Example sentences of "had [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They had to perform unclean and degrading tasks such as the disposal of dead animals .
2 Doris and the editor auditioned dancers who had to perform physical exercises along with acrobatic dancing .
3 The governors had placed great trust in him over the period of ten years ‘ during one of which it pleased its liberal Grand Visitor to take me with him to Ireland ’ .
4 They had placed small groups of bowmen wherever this rich cover offered , keeping their main companies higher along the hills to shoot over them .
5 The owners of the roadside dhabas had placed steaming cauldrons full of saffron-coloured biryani rice outside their doors ; from inside came wafts of grilling kebabs .
6 Soon after the embarrassing disclosure , the French ministry announced an inquiry into claims that Glaxo had placed numerous articles in the popular press and on television promoting its prescription-only migraine cure .
7 Women 's organizations , although disappointed at the outcome , took heart that the episode had placed sexual harassment in the workplace firmly on the political agenda and had increased prospects for legislation to attack this .
8 The aged had , nevertheless , acquired ‘ a definite status in the community … and the ‘ pauper taint ’ [ was ] removed by a system of personal thrift organized by the state' , a provision for which the Conference congratulated itself , claiming to have succeeded because it had placed national interests over and above political tactics .
9 The most successful of the three accords was with Brazil , whose president Kubitschek needed both to find new export outlets and to conserve foreign exchange in the aftermath of a rapid industrial expansion policy which had placed severe strains on his country 's economy .
10 The violence had placed severe strains on the ANC 's relationship with the government over the issue of perceived police partiality towards Inkatha supporters , and had delayed the holding of negotiations on a post-apartheid constitution .
11 The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) , the central bank , had placed severe credit restrictions on imports on March 20 in an attempt to curb the outflow of hard currency following a sharp deterioration in foreign exchange reserves .
12 On 4 June , the same crowds which had filled Happy Valley with rallies of pop music and bright colours gathered , now in mourning clothes of black and white .
13 The terms of the Soviet plan , now made public , were that ( i ) Iraq would make a full and unconditional withdrawal from Kuwait ; ( ii ) the withdrawal would start on the second day after hostilities ceased ; ( iii ) Iraqi forces would depart according to a fixed timetable ; ( iv ) after two-thirds of Iraqi forces had withdrawn economic sanctions against Iraq would be lifted ; ( v ) after all Iraqi forces had left all UN Security Council resolutions against Iraq would lapse ; ( vi ) all prisoners of war would be released when the ceasefire became effective ; ( vii ) the troop withdrawal would be monitored by forces from countries not involved in the conflict , under direction of the UN Security Council ; and ( viii ) work on details and specifics would continue and would be presented on Feb. 22 to Security Council members .
14 The passenger committee addressed its appeals to political and religious leaders throughout Europe ; though its messages now had to be shorter , since the shipping line had withdrawn free cabling facilities .
15 The measure was supported by all major parties except the Akali Dal ( Mann ) , which had withdrawn parliamentary support from the National Front coalition government in protest at the proposal .
16 In The Emperor 's Clothes ( 1953 ) Kathleen Nott called the Christian revivalism of Eliot , Lewis and others no better than a revived superstition ; and in a scathing attack on contemporary dogmatics and the anti-progressive views of literary Modernism she remarked , in tones of ultimate scorn , that Lewis 's interest in the Devil had plumbed unusual depths .
17 The dogs , who had sustained monotonous barking at Leon Kennedy since he entered , now submitted to aloof ecstasy as he kneeled to massage their ears .
18 One glance told Rachel the pilot had sustained serious chest injuries .
19 This chapter concludes by examining the ways in which the notions of , maturity and masculinity which had Sustained professional links between English and Englishness were challenged from a range of pluralist , marxist , feminist , and other cultural perspectives during the 1970s , which , in the context of a counter assault from the new right , culminated in the symbolic " Cambridge Crisis " of 1981 .
20 Petrochemicals and Plastics Division , as it was then , had sustained huge losses in 1980-81 .
21 Reports on March 26 , quoting Kurdish sources , said that Kurdish pesh merga guerrillas had been in control of the oil centre of Kirkuk for seven days during which they had sustained intensive shelling and air attacks by Iraqi government forces .
22 The basement of the house had sustained heavy damage and part of the ceiling on the top floor had collapsed .
23 The consultant was visibly shaking as he described how the 12-year-old victim had sustained severe head and facial injuries .
24 But with Jack a hunted man , she had to remain strong , certain .
25 No doubt their slowness , coupled with the initial inertia of the judges , meant that the exhibition had to remain intact , seriously hampering preparations for the exhibition of models for the Wellington monument which began to arrive at the hall the day after the Government Offices exhibition closed .
26 But the open-door policy had to remain intact , thus overseas trading and business partners like Japan could not be unduly offended .
27 Most backbenchers probably appreciated the force of the argument which at that stage had to remain unspoken ’ … we were not ready [ for a General Strike ] , ’ he subsequently told G. M. Young .
28 Yet she had to remain civil .
29 How could anyone say that , in those circumstances , they had to remain secret ?
30 Arguments turn on whether the whole chamber had to remain molten , and , if this was the case , on the plausibility of supplying an appropriate heat flux to offset cooling .
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