Example sentences of "his [noun] call " in BNC.

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1 He expected his successor to call elections in the autumn .
2 With term approaching fast , it was quite likely that Andrew was coming to London on department business , and had seen his opportunity to call in the debt .
3 At last Cranston belched , stretched , and beamed round the tavern , snapping his fingers to call Talbot over .
4 His friends called him an easy-going chap ; his enemies called him weak .
5 His enemies called for peace but he brought them death .
6 His enemies call him an ‘ ambulance chaser ’ .
7 ( as even his enemies called him ) , more formally , OM , was an iconoclast by temperament , a Pooh Bah by habit and a mandarin by instinct .
8 The pet shop where his grandad had bought him his hamster called Hammer and his goldfish called Sickle and where his nan used to take them for resurrection when they died .
9 In his inaugural address Iliescu referred to the " excesses " committed by the miners , but remained unapologetic about his decision to call them in .
10 These developments , however , were pre-empted by William 's invasion preparations and his eventual landing on 5 November , which forced James to delay his plans to call Parliament .
11 Everyone thought he was a patient and kept looking at him when his Mum called names out .
12 On the way back from the shops a young lad and his mum called in on granddad , a Yorkshireman of the old school .
13 That evening , Philip , an ex-Merchant Taylors boy who has known Iain since prep school , is at home in his room when his mum calls him to the phone .
14 A disabled man who is unable to speak typed out a message on his computer to call the fire brigade when he woke to find a candle had caused a small fire in his bedroom .
15 His words called to mind our own culpability , which we find hard to admit .
16 There is undeniably something ‘ over-thetop ’ about Rachmaninov 's piano music , a larger-than-life quality that requires larger-than-life treatment , and that extra dash of daring in Wild 's playing ( not for nothing do his fans call him ‘ Wild Earl ’ ) can be relied upon to produce something more than unusually exciting .
17 By the time we have finished his chapter called ‘ The Heavens ’ , we have not only been informed about what the shape of the Ptolemaic universe was like , and how the belief in astrology worked , and how much knowledge was in our sense ‘ scientific ’ and how much ‘ poetic ’ or ‘ mythological ’ .
18 He seemed quite miffed when it was established that it was an accident and his commandant called him off . ’
19 Geoffrey Palmer , Prime Minister of New Zealand , promptly announced his intention to call for a global ban on drift-netting during his address to the United Nations General Assembly in New York in October .
20 He pulled off his mask and used his transceiver to call the bridge .
21 Probably an amalgam of two mass-circulation papers The New York Herald and The Morning Courier and New-York Enquirer ( edited by James Gordon Bennett and Colonel Watson Webb respectively ) : both papers attacked CD in the most scurrilous fashion after his speeches calling for an International Copyright Agreement .
22 ‘ I read one of his books called Joanna 's Goal , ’ said Natalie McManus , 11 , from St Michael 's on the Ravenhill Road .
23 His proposal called for a total of $7,900 million to be spent on increased law enforcement , more prisons , border patrols , education programmes , treatment programmes , and aid to foreign countries .
24 What sustains him is the comfort he derives from the spiritual world of the Indian , as he escapes the alienating environment of the school to listen to Quechua music and to renew his bonds with the magical world of nature , but his experiences call into question the effectiveness of Quechua values in the white world in which he must live .
25 In 1976 Jeffrey Iverson published a book about Bloxham and his work called More Lives Than One ?
26 His grandchildren call me Auntie , and I love looking after them when they come .
27 The pet shop where his grandad had bought him his hamster called Hammer and his goldfish called Sickle and where his nan used to take them for resurrection when they died .
28 His parents call him Pooh .
29 T his Lenin called — following J.A .
30 He seemed to gulp the air before speaking , like the fish his complexion called to her mind .
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