Example sentences of "his [noun] down " in BNC.

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1 And he actually took her arm , quite simply and confidently , and rushed her on the wings of his enthusiasm down through the green complexities of the bowl , between the crisp , serrated walls , across the fragments of tiled pavement , past the forum pillars , down to where the emerald turf sloped off under a token wire barrier to the riverside path and the waters of the Comer .
2 Bardsley put his teacup down and said in a melancholy voice , ‘ I was thinking of taking him into partnership , but business has n't been that good lately .
3 He pushed his hand back beneath her skirt and thrust his fingers down inside her panties , pressing roughly between her legs .
4 Without warning , he 'd slowly reached his hand forward to touch her cheek , slid his fingers down to grasp her chin between his thumb and forefinger , tilting her face to the light .
5 There was a glimmer of amusement in his dark eyes as he slid his fingers down to the pulse drumming wildly at the base of her throat .
6 He was off-balance , his defences down as Ward drew back his right arm and slammed that gloved hand straight into the sallow face .
7 ‘ Andrew had his defences down as Waterworth came across in front of me and hit him in the mouth and knocked his head on the floor .
8 Corbett set his goblet down before replying .
9 At last Couville put his goblet down on the floor beside him .
10 Clinton put his goblet down on the table , bade us good night and walked softly away .
11 He put his foot down straightaway .
12 If he actually put his foot down and said , ‘ No , I think that 's ridiculous ’ , everyone shut up and listened , and I feel that this was the first time that he realised that he did have the powers of leadership , not only on stage but also off stage . ’
13 Doyle put his foot down and drove straight at the men .
14 Mayne put his foot down and Seekings dispersed the enemy with a burst from the Vickers machine gun in the back .
15 He pushed his foot down and the truck shook with the power of its movement .
16 He had rammed his foot down on the accelerator , the Mercedes shot forward , the little grey 's neck jerked frantically and she cartwheeled violently in the air crashing to the ground , to be dragged ten feet before Angel braked .
17 Even though Stevens still needed Dean for a couple more shots , the young punk put his foot down and tore along Highway 66 at 85 miles an hour , heading for a sports car race at Salinas .
18 For statistics alone are unlikely to stop a 17-year-old putting his foot down in a lethal weapon .
19 Putting his foot down
20 He pressed his foot down , sped along the country road which was free of other traffic .
21 He rammed his foot down , the Merc. responded , shot forward like a torpedo .
22 Newman kept his foot down .
23 Pushing his foot down on the accelerator , Anthony thrust the car forward .
24 The man pocketed the wallet , and jabbed his foot down on the accelerator .
25 ‘ They 're on to us , ’ he groaned , wondering whether he should put his foot down on the accelerator instead .
26 Something about the way he approached the Saab 900 Carlsson suggested that he still likes to put his foot down : perhaps it was the way his right elbow automatically felt for a resting place against the window , perhaps it was just the fact that it was his birthday ( 42 ) .
27 ‘ I 'm sure glad the Colonel put his foot down , ’ Sabrina said , glancing at the door again .
28 Sung went to shake his head , but Bergson brought his foot down firmly on top of his left hand and began to press down .
29 Muttering very unscientific speculations in a number of alien languages about the car 's origins and usefulness , the Doctor kept his foot down and did his best to avoid the holes in the road .
30 He rammed his foot down on the brake and sent the car into a fizzing convulsion of rev and whinny .
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