Example sentences of "his [noun] but " in BNC.

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1 He glanced at Bardsley , a fair rabbity man , like his sister but less well-favoured , and he observed his suit .
2 Yet since his father 's death there had been nothing between him and his sister but companionship , affection , peace .
3 He had left the money with his sister but had been caught after she had handed it into the police .
4 This was a restrained and early work from an architect renowned for his roguish style , who went on to shock and irritate many of his contemporaries but also to amaze and satisfy his clients .
5 Aenarion deflected the pulsing energy with his shield but the power of the daemon 's attack cast him from the saddle .
6 His successor but one , Wallia , made an attempt to lead his people across to Africa , but failed , and instead came to terms with the Roman leader Constantius , for whom he campaigned against the Vandals and Alans in Spain .
7 He offered his resignation but it was turned down by Mr Major .
8 When Moorcroft resigned in April 1794 , Coleman also proffered his resignation but was persuaded to continue in office .
9 On hearing this , Yamamoto offered his resignation but this too was rejected .
10 A series of injuries slowed his progress but ultimately , it was attitude that cost him the chance of blossoming into a great player .
11 The informer believed he had come under suspicion by his commanders but in fact the UDA/UFF leadership suspected another member of setting up the team .
12 John , required to mount his ballets but nothing else , had time to visit art galleries or schools in search of new ideas or designers , to listen to music , to read .
13 For example , a telephonist in a large company may have contact with a customer by answering his calls but this can not be a reasonable basis for preventing that person from working for a trade competitor .
14 He had admitted that she was n't in his heart but she was nevertheless in his life .
15 Baldwin then made no demur against the Chancellor 's recommendation ; there would have been a greater chance of his demurring had the decision gone the other way , not because of his views but because of his admiration and affection for Montagu Norman , the intellectually certain Governor of the Bank of England .
16 Mr Freeman said some parishioners were upset by his views but the majority were supportive .
17 One of them contained a silver sixpence which Frankie turned in his fingers but did not remove in case Sweetheart , in her present bad mood , took it away from him .
18 However , it remains to be seen how completely the principle of antibiosis , or chemical warfare between species , has been exploited , and whether the capacity of microbes to adapt to their environment will outstrip the capacity of man to find means of destroying not only those which are his enemies but also those which are his friends and which he unwittingly eliminates by the overzealous distribution of his new agents .
19 If none the less there is no question of déjà entendu but a sense of compelling actuality , it is because the unique partnership appears to inspire every one of these outstanding players to feel responsible not only for his part but for the reading as a whole .
20 Every man played his part but Graham saluted the display of midfield rookie Ray Parlour .
21 He took her , or began to , in the direct , unsentimental manner in which she had always understood men took their whores , hurting her slightly not from any particular roughness on his part but because her body had turned dry with protest , resisting him as her supple mind did not .
22 He poured hundreds of pounds into his fight but lost .
23 Morrissey is always taking off his shirt but he is also proudly and publicly chaste .
24 Van den Boogard suggested that in the Anglo-Norman fabliaux the author assumes what he calles the persona of the clerk , i.e. a character looking for respect and admiration for his ability to tell a fascinating tale of intrigue ( inter alia ) , whereas a French author is more likely to adopt the persona of the jongleur , shocking by his anarchism but amusing at the same time through his self-mockery .
25 Mr. Kemp is entitled to his opinions but why he chooses to express them in such flippant and dismissive manner is puzzling .
26 But now Mr Wolski had been asked to see her , and it was because the Curator , in his kind but mistaken way , thought he might like to take leave of the old eagle .
27 Pending a new appointment , its secretary is Francesc Vergès , his former bank manager , who advised the ageing ‘ Senor Dali ’ ‘ to spend his money but not to sell a painting unless he had to ’ .
28 All agreed he should transfer his money but none agreed on which company would be best to look after his future pension needs .
29 Yes , you could stop his money but that has the effect of privatizing the monarchy .
30 ‘ She said she does n't want his money but she hopes it wo n't be the ruination of Kate , ’ said Sarah .
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