Example sentences of "from what be " in BNC.

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1 The answer may be to decrease capacity and cylinder number but wring more power from what 's left — a solution that may damage fuel consumption , durability and driveability .
2 You can find hidden Greek tavernas where you explore the kitchens and choose your meal from what 's in the fridge or bubbling on the stove .
3 that that it it is in fact something that ought to be shared more and people ought to benefit more from what 's here ?
4 The mini is a long way from what 's considered to be the first jukebox ; the Edison Phonograph .
5 For some years he 's been lucky to be in a position of being able to pick and choose his work , while admitting ‘ sometimes you have to choose from what 's there and you do n't always necessarily choose the best .
6 Oh no we 'll have er the videos that we 're gon na watch you know I 've got twenty odd videos there and we 're not using any of them , apart from what 's on the top , we 're gradually filling these up
7 And go and do that and get away from what 's going on .
8 You never heard anything from what 's his name ?
9 In 1987 , soul is no more than a packed vehicle beating a hasty retreat from what are perceived as the excesses of white modernism .
10 from what are we emerging ,
11 The extent , however , to which that marks them off from what are typically thought of as more ‘ objective ’ features of the world in which we live depends on how far one thinks that has a character independent of any form of sentient experience .
12 For him , the trend represents a contradiction of the growing pressure to make greater use of non-executive directors especially as it requires a far heavier burden of detailed knowledge of company 's activities from what are still essentially part-timers .
13 Better performance still than that provided by the m-derived sections that have been described is available from what are known as double m-derived sections .
14 The audience for the Library 's exhibitions was drawn very largely from what are traditionally considered ‘ middle class ’ occupational groups , and almost half of it ( 47% ) was composed of academics , students , and the retired .
15 An analysis of their replies showed clearly that the great majority of them came from what are traditionally considered ‘ middle class ’ occupational groups , and that academics , students , and retired people ( the majority of whom were retired professionals ) accounted for just under half of all visitors .
16 There may , however , be questions in her mind about the choices open to her : how will the information in a catalogue differ from what is to be found in a monograph ?
17 Indeed , if the story enacted in a picture is not known , quite wrong inferences can be drawn from what is perceived .
18 Because of the limited recruitment and early retirements in recent years , most of their teachers will come from what is loosely known as the ‘ Sixties generation ’ .
19 In the mid-1980s , I was addicted for nearly a year to ‘ free-basing ’ cocaine , which is no different in any way from what is now called crack .
20 All of these features have combined to create the contemporary problem ; hooliganism exemplifies to perfection the difficulty of disentangling what is new from what is old in social history .
21 These also involve processing within the brain but are slightly different from what is normally meant by thinking or drawing on memory and experience .
22 To cause minimum inconvenience to the locals , the flight commander calls an end to the tactical phase of the exercise and we begin a climb from What is colloquially known as the ‘ weedosphere ’ up to the dizzy height of 1,000 feet .
23 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
24 Do not buy in any special food or drink or alter anything from what is usually there .
25 It is also a pleasure for a nation of country lovers to escape from what is in danger of becoming a land of theme parks and golf courses , to a place in which the earth is actually used for growing things and where the workers have n't been reduced to the statutory rustic who sits in the corner of the saloon bar entertaining the merchant bankers .
26 Later we read a quotation from what is called a ‘ characterisation package ’ :
27 However , even if it is a matter of putting different variables in boxes on a sheet of paper and following through likely relationships qualitatively — a far cry from what is usually meant by systems analysis — it is a further intellectual advance on the black box approach to ‘ social factors ’ .
28 A canal had been dug by French prisoners of war from what is now Dartmoor Prison , and it passed through a 2-mile-long tunnel to the hillside above the quay .
29 The Incas , on the other hand , were a short-lived civilisation of the fifteenth century which created an empire that extended some 3200 km along the Andes from what is now Ecuador to northern Chile .
30 Let them save you from what is
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