Example sentences of "but [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are tons of leaflets for offenders , but nothing for the witness or the ordinary member of the public , ’ says Ms Reeves .
2 On the other hand LOEX has always made material available on loan but nothing for retention .
3 We had enough , we had a roof over our heads and we had enough food and things like that , but nothing for luxuries or little extras .
4 Even those who demand equality for others but nothing for themselves are not necessarily motivated by pure altruism and disinterestedness , as the following clinical example shows :
5 But nothing for Glenn the performer , who they offered on a free transfer two years ago .
6 been a lot of crucial areas this afternoon Alan but I for me I think by and large Leicester have always had the edge in midfield .
7 Okay occasionally it happens , but I for one am a and I have the unpublishable manuscript in a drawer to prove it .
8 But I for Christ 's sake .
9 erm I do n't have a relative in the Gulf erm but I for my own peace of mind , I wanted to keep up to date with things that were going on erm and also for my husband really , he is at out at work all day and I , you know it was nice when he came home from work for me to be able to tell him exactly what went on .
10 The answer was mixed : virtually no scope at all for 155mm artillery shells ( which sent the MOD scurrying off in search of extra supplies on the world market ) ; but plenty for 120mm tank shells .
11 colouring and , but its for myself erm , my husband never ever says to me oh your not wearing make-up or erm when I go to work I do n't wear it
12 They were selected because it is clear that , judged by current psychiatric criteria , they all did suffer from episodes of psychosis — to introduce a technical term to be defined more precisely as we proceed through this and the following chapter , but which for the moment can be taken as synonymous with the layperson 's conception of mental illness as it occurs in its most disintegrative form and which especially refers to serious disorders , like schizophrenia .
13 What is much more interesting , I have already suggested , is the idea that there could be patterns of behaviour which human beings are entirely capable of wanting and indeed , on an individual or limited scale , of achieving , but which for biological reasons are bound to be psychologically costly , or confined to a small group of otherwise unusual individuals , or otherwise bound to fail as general social institutions .
14 A great many of them , out of respect for her , for him , for the grief which was meant to inhabit him , but which for the moment , he knew , he only represented .
15 As might have been expected from his career , he outstayed his welcome and had to be forced to retire from the post — a position previously rewarded with a peerage , but which for him only merited a knighthood .
16 But you for you , you 're still young .
17 But none for this milksop , who backed away and threw little delicately-barbed darts and had such reliance on the supremacy of reason and words .
18 But none for you .
19 I give Sky 's version high marks for content but none for realistic decor .
20 She left Philip to his labours , thinking that this time she had given him the money for the materials but none for his labour .
21 Second , the index has entries for names and places but none for subjects .
22 you get so much for Easter , do n't you , but none for the summer , they give you twenty odd quid for Easter and twenty odd quid for Christmas
23 Unfortunately , there is sometimes resistance among staff on inpatient units to admitting patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric illness , but who for a brief period of time need to hand over responsibility for their well-being to the inpatient clinical team .
24 But conversely ( as Mr. Utley did not feel able to dispute , although he did not formally concede the point ) a defendant who is legally aided at first instance and in the Court of Appeal , but who for any reason then ceases to be aided and incurs the full costs of successfully resisting an appeal to the House of Lords , is eligible to recover those costs from the board .
25 Likewise , a carpenter or joiner might be on a set day rate but who for a period might take on a separate contract to saw timber at a rate per 100 ft. , the figure depending upon the hardness of the wood .
26 We focused on enquirers to courses in science , mathematics and engineering and on those who had completed an application for a course but who for one reason or another had not enrolled for it .
27 They were Ian Macleod and Enoch Powell , who were not natural bedfellows , but who for the moment had got into a huddle .
28 Of course there 's I do n't know whether you 'd well you wo n't if you have n't been involved but we for the last last year and this year we 've had this children from er there 's a a sort of Nottingham University
29 Glorious stuff , of course , but one for those whose devotion verges on fanaticism , and are really ready for four studio takes of Ready Teddy and six versions of Good Golly Miss Molly .
30 Those whom it has encouraged are the likes of Saddam Hussein , who are fundamentally correct in claiming a link between the two occupations — hardly a flattering analogy but one for which many people may be about to pay for America 's 30 years of pusillanimity in the Middle East .
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