Example sentences of "'s as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But I mean , one of the major problems is a fact , these youth training programmes or Y , YP 's as they call them , are alright but they 're not really getting down to the basic er training we need !
2 Anna linked her arm with Merrill 's as they went to rejoin the men .
3 ‘ Why ca n't they do something else ? ’ she muttered angrily , her arm sliding into Maggie 's as they left the hotel .
4 Bravely , Charity linked her arm through Nelson 's as they were guided to a choice table overlooking the lake .
5 Cranston stood up and linked his arm through Athelstan 's as they went out to stand at the door whilst the ostler saddled their horses .
6 Helen Thomas 's As It Was is a principal source .
7 She had been a clerk-receptionist phone-answerer-teamaker and she had got the job through her uncle Bob who was as near to being a friend of Thomas Walby 's as it was possible to be .
8 Whiting 's or Whitting 's as it is sometimes spelt has a name that seems to have come down through generations , and one authority tempts to suggest that it may be of Saxon period .
9 Quite a friend of Mr Dysart 's as I recall . ’
10 By now it had become clear that the way to approach the show would be to do the linking material as near to Joyce 's as I could , but to do the sketches very much more as I would approach them as an actress .
11 Right ah can we connect again with a couple of people we we coming up there if anybody out there er is a fan of Mary Whitehouse 's as I am give me a call and you know you know who I 'm talking to ring now .
12 The Kawasaki cut through to St Paul 's as I 'd expected and accelerated up towards Holborn .
13 Er I think we must remind ourselves that er this year 's as I say is by no means er generous and for that reason we 're not aiming higher , not because we would n't like to , but because we recognize the , the restrictions placed from elsewhere .
14 Chapter 35 of Bede 's De temporum ratione is the locus classicus of the concept of the ‘ ages of man ’ , the medieval division of human life into a number of distinct periods best known to us today through the speech on the ‘ seven ages of man ’ by Jaques in Shakespeare 's As You Like It ( Act II , scene 7 ) .
15 In Shakespeare 's As You Like It , for example , the melancholy Jacques describes old age as :
16 In answering this criticism Prince Charles would have been of impeccable good manners in employing the seven degrees of retort by Touchstone outlined in Shakespeare 's As You Like It .
17 In Shakespeare 's As You Like It , Touchstone 's marriage proposal is accepted by Audrey who reveals her desire to become ‘ a woman of the world ’ .
18 Following previous successes with A Midsummer Night 's Dream and last year 's As You Like It — ‘ Left us mesmerised ’ Evening Argus .
19 Tesco 's as you see it 's got the er er the go ahead to er open Sunday 's has n't it ?
20 Aggie looked helplessly at Ben and he , moving forward and dropping on to his hunkers , brought his face level with Millie 's as he said , ‘ He … he has n't done anything yet .
21 The man 's eyes never left Cranston 's as he drew a deep breath , one bony finger pointing upwards to the clear blue sky .
22 Gatsby 's love is so much stronger that Clegg 's as he will do this for Daisy , whereas it never occurs to Clegg to make that sort of sacrifice for Miranda .
23 The trust which had shown on Effie 's face , before the chloroform-induced unconsciousness , was now repeated on McAllister 's as she looked up at Dr Neil .
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