Example sentences of "'s [coord] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A claim for group relief will be accepted outside the statutory two-year time limit where one of the following can be demonstrated : the Inland Revenue contributed materially to the failure to submit a timely claim ; for reasons beyond his or her control , a person vitally concerned in the making of a claim was not available at a crucial time ; for reasons beyond the claimant company 's or its agent 's control , the need for the claim could not have been perceived before the time limit expires , and the claim was made as soon as reasonably possible in all the circumstances .
2 You can accordingly make a decision about using it 's or its on the basis of what you gain and what you lose .
3 Well er , probably about er in them days they used to call them twelve score and then so it 'd be twelve , two 's or something that 's two hundred forty pounds I suppose like , you know and er , but most of the people er .
4 I 'll drive us to the rear door of a Doc Barnado 's or something . ’
5 Yeah but it 's only Littlewood 's or something it is .
6 Not Jameson 's or something ?
7 Er oh , she says er oh yeah , you 've got to ring before you go up to Maggie 's or something
8 Da da da da da da da da on of those Donny Osmond 's or something ?
9 but these were are all crumped and I do n't want clumsy ones cos you feel as though you 've got Doctor Marten 's or something on you know
10 P T O I suppose it 's unlikely that I 'll ever see you again but we might see each other at William 's or something and if you ever need to speak to me for some reason you can call me at school
11 My father will go to the cash and carry every week , and perhaps he 'll pop into into Tesco 's or something and get a few bits and pieces , so we got a lot in the fridge , but it 's not a lot of variety .
12 and I think its true that if women did have the money particularly of their own they would spend it on their body 's or their faces .
13 However , turning aside these local instruments , and that is not to suggest that they are unimportant , how may lawyers and interested laymen each year obtain copies of delegated legislation which are thought to , and may indeed , affect their client 's or their own life and course of conduct , only to find that they are out of print or not yet available ?
14 ‘ Let's make tracks for Green 's or we 'll be late for supper .
15 He had said he had n't seen her in the shop , so he must have called in on occasions when Ann would be in the sweet shop and Arthur Peeble in the tobacconist 's or her father was there taking Peeble 's place ; he rarely served in the sweet shop .
16 Once a fortnight she and a gaggle of friends would go Dutch at one of their three favourite restaurants : either steaks at Christ Cella 's , cordon bleu cuisine at Lutece 's or her own personal favourite , a tandoori mixed grill at Gaylord 's .
17 And it was her duty to be guided by an intellectual judgement and authority that was superior to hers — in other words , her husband 's or her father 's .
18 I have n't actually got a , a poem for this , I was saying to you that I would use this , I intend using this as a writing exercise , because the , the colour of her mouth and the colour of the piece of boot in the background , just stands out to me , it says , its about to me hidden desire of some sort , either the artist 's or hers or mine I do n't know
19 Gloria Estefan at the moment , so I thought I 'd just get him the got a couple of records LP 's or whatever you call them now .
20 Could you imagine it though going into so somewhere like Dotty 's or whatever and saying well
21 Cos I 've sometimes caught bus up from other end , if I 've gone our Neil 's or summat .
22 ‘ When the first bell went and I saw the way Lennox was going after him I told the guys watching with me that Ruddock had better watch for that left of Lewis 's or he 'd be counter-punched with the right and get himself knocked out — and that 's exactly what happened . ’
23 BJ 's or anything !
24 Is that , is that Matt 's or yours ?
25 It might be Frank 's or someone 's .
26 The bishop had asked whether Huxley would prefer to think of himself descended from an ape on his grandfather 's or his grandmother 's side , thereby touching the sensitive nerve of female ancestry .
27 Life member Laurie Lee was invariably on the boundary to give his vocal backing during a match , and then add to the convivial post-mortems back at the Butcher 's or his own local at Slad , the Woolpack .
28 ‘ Whose idea was this , anyway , his wife 's or his daughter 's ? ’
29 Usually this situation comes about when a voyage or space charterer issues his own ( ordinary or non-charter party ) bills of lading , without the master 's or his agent 's signature .
30 It could be ended only by death ; Lorrimer 's or his own .
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