Example sentences of "'s [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 Figures they gave us from surveys carried out for the Inter-Bank Research Organisation by the British Market Research Bureau confirmed this , but showed that people in social classes A , B and C1 are still twice as likely to have a bank account as people in social classes D and E , and that the higher someone 's income the greater is the likelihood of their having a bank account .
2 Given the rapid expansion of the CNAA 's activities the Committee had a membership of eighteen officers by September 1974 , twenty-five by March 1977 , and thirty-three by the beginning of 1979 .
3 In the letter accompanying the document to the Council 's institutions the Chief Officer underlined that ‘ the Council is already engaged in examining possible longer term models ’ .4
4 There is however also a connection with Parsons 's concept of ‘ primary selection ’ ; in both Stark 's and Parsons 's accounts the social basis of knowledge is determinative of the topics of knowledge rather than the content .
5 In the Medical Research Council 's trial the relative risk of dying from cancer for men receiving atenolol was 1.9 compared with placebo ( 1.2 to 2.8 ) and 1.4 ( 0.9 to 2.2 ) compared with diuretic .
6 Sacheverell 's trial the next spring sparked off widespread rioting in London , and although Sacheverell was eventually found guilty , he received the mild sentence of three years ' suspension from preaching .
7 For a 2-oz. jar of smoked cod 's roe the other ingredients are about tablespoons of olive oil , a medium sized potato , lemon juice , cayenne pepper , and water ; and , optionally , a clove of garlic .
8 The bidder will usually wish to discuss with the target 's board the best way of dealing with optionholders ( eg cash cancellation and/or roll-over into new options of the bidder ) .
9 The boy raised his face , and to Jean-Paul 's horror the black eyes were welling with tears .
10 Corals have promoted last year 's winner The Fellow to 5–4 for Kempton , although that may well change again today after the Hennessy .
11 Over the five years of TRANSAID 's operations the most recurring need has been to provide advice on transport management and control .
12 It imputes to Proust 's text the ability to contradict itself without intervention .
13 The coffee industry , until tourism 's rise the country 's biggest earner , is in semi-collapse .
14 They 'll be waitin' fer us an' once the load 's orf the motor Tony can take it back on 'is own .
15 Erm , the rest of this money would be used part to fund additional workers in er minority ethnic community groups , children 's groups the community service strong support with housing officers in dealing with housing management problems and a a and possibly from community radio among others .
16 In Cherry 's case the magistrate 's conclusion was that the delay was extreme but justifiable and there was no prejudice .
17 But their Lordships had concluded that in Cherry 's case the magistrate 's finding that the delay was justified was wholly untenable .
18 It was perfectly proper to infer prejudice from the mere passage of time : in Cherry 's case the magistrate 's decision was based on two flawed findings of justification and no prejudice .
19 In Spark 's case the answer was no , but the story does not stop there .
20 There is no reason why a lyricist should elucidate but in Gedge 's case the lack of chimera can make surveying his words an unrewarding exercise .
21 ( i ) Ulpian discusses the same problem as Celsus , a bequest of an office ( militia ) , but in Ulpian 's case the beneficiary is a slave .
22 Of course , apocryphal stories only proliferate about someone widely held in great affection ; and in Runcorn 's case the reason for the affection is not hard to find .
23 William II , Henry I and Stephen all won the throne by holding rivals at bay , and in each case warfare played its part ; in Henry 's case the battle of Tinchebrai ( 1106 ) enabled him to imprison his elder brother for life and made him secure in Normandy as well as in England ( see pp. 289 ff . ) .
24 In the Navigation 's case the ground floor food preparation area was obtained by converting an old-fashioned and unwanted small private bar : similar areas suitable for conversion can not be guaranteed in more than 50 per cent of the units , though equivalent areas could be made available in the remainder through ‘ building out ’ .
25 In Kempe 's case the problem is slightly eased by the fact that even she recognised her state after the birth of her first child as a sickness of mind and we should not regard this as an isolated episode of ‘ puerperal psychosis ’ that was unconnected with her continuing aberrant behaviour .
26 In the Falange 's case the principal issue was leadership ; when José Antonio Primo de Rivera , jailed in Alicante since before the start of the war , was executed in November 1936 , he left behind him a movement riddled with factionalism and cursed with second-rate would-be successors .
27 In John 's case the stated reason for referral for formal assessment was his behaviour in school .
28 On the other hand , public authorities do not usually commit illegal acts deliberately , and if an atmosphere of opinion were created in which compensation for illegality were seen as being simply compensation for loss and not as carrying any stigma of fault or as being designed to perform the function of deterring illegal conduct , public authorities might be able to put the chance of an award out of their mind in deciding the applicant 's case the second time round .
29 In Graham 's case the skin appears normal and , since there 's no inflammation or eczema type lesions , anti-inflammatory creams and so on are n't particularly helpful . ’
30 It was flooded with water that in my case came up to my armpits and in Jeff 's case the back of his knees .
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