Example sentences of "from [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Although Sacheverell was found guilty , the decision by the House of Lords on 21 March to impose the mild sentence of three years ' suspension from preaching was widely seen as a moral victory for the doctor over the Whigs , and the news was greeted with ( often violent ) celebrations throughout the country .
2 A further difference arising from naming is indicated by entitling the mid-seventeenth century the Civil War period .
3 The political spin-offs from crusading are therefore more difficult to calculate than at first glance they might appear .
4 What might dissuade Jones from returning is the relentless ‘ grind ’ of county cricket and a dislike of the three-day game .
5 Those who had previously found part of their income from ironmaking were thrown back on the less adequate resources of Wealden farming , although a small number of nomads continued to burn charcoal for the London market , camping in branch and sod hovels as they migrated from wood to wood .
6 Lawrence from Felt is back and with a new title .
7 However , in 1993 the benefit from hedging was less than in 1992 as the gap between sterling interest rates and precious metal interest rates narrowed .
8 Preventing the bouquets from wilting was the least of Harry 's worries .
9 Overall sales were down 55% on last year when profits from autioneering were $139 million .
10 And , as he admitted yesterday , he has little knowledge of the racing industry , apart from having been ‘ a very amateur rider ’ .
11 This is one of the Pyrenees ' most Spartan panoramas , and a torrid place to be , as I know from having been there , on a day of high summer sun .
12 Obviously personal inclination is very important , but personal inclination can often arise from having been taught by an exceptional teacher , or having a scientist parent who helps with homework .
13 She went over to the pool and found the book on a table , damp from having been left out all night among towels and goggles , sunglasses , an old Daily Telegraph and the girls ' bikini bottoms .
14 From having been at the very centre of public affairs , the Frost family sank back into almost impenetrable obscurity .
15 The status of the Code derived originally from having been issued by CIPFA with the support of the local authority associations and the Audit Commission ; in addition , the ASC franked the Code as an SORP .
16 A superb pâté de foie gras with truffles was served first , and the main course was confit de canard — duck crisp and succulent from having been preserved in its own fat .
17 Despite some degree of battlefield success at Dezful — in the course of which Iraq captured a number of British-made Chieftain tanks which it put on display before foreign journalists at al-Amarah in the central sector just as Iraq 's own armour , mainly Russian in origin , was gathering for further fighting at Ahwaz — Dezful did not fall either and the Iranians were far from having been routed .
18 In command of this large force was a mere major , the Marquis de Rose , whose mission from Bares was simply to ‘ sweep the skies ’ .
19 It was held that the very considerable force — the defendants injured four policemen — used to try to prevent the police from entering was justified .
20 When α scans are done with a reduced scattering angle θ , peaks from shadowing are observed .
21 Contributions from ail are expected , recognised and rewarded .
22 ‘ Eleven-Eleven ’ contains all three tracks from Come 's recent single , as well as one from the ‘ Car ’ 12″ , but that 's my only quibble .
23 LANDOWNERS in Cumbria looking to earn extra cash from quarrying are being urged to identify sites with the county council .
24 Nevertheless , as AMEC was at pains to point out yesterday , for the next couple of years making money from housebuilding is set to be a struggle .
25 And the only way to prevent it from collapsing is to keep moving forward .
26 Both the valid species and the gold from have been available to Killi-keepers for many years .
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