Example sentences of "but about [art] " in BNC.

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1 To fix the sledge you use the snow hook , shaped like a double fish hook but about a foot long and wide .
2 ‘ I have n't come to argue about politics , but about a nuisance … ’ just the slightest hesitation and a hint of a stammer .
3 But if I claim that my religious experience is experience of God , then I am not simply talking about my own feelings but about a transcendent being that I am claiming my feelings to be feelings of .
4 A year head who talks about one of the phrases — ‘ go back to your own country ’ — referred to by this group of girls , provides evidence in support of their assertions — but about a different teacher .
5 At this point I am not writing about open conflict , mutiny , factions or friction , but about a quiet pulling in a different direction .
6 Not about everything , mind , but about a couple of things .
7 Strange , she had been in Denmark for so short a time yet in those few days she had learned so much , not only about herself but about a country she had never even considered visiting before Suzie 's escapade .
8 I can not truthfully say that my work experience directly influenced my ambitions career wise but it did show me that the music business is not about ‘ Top of the Pops ’ but about a day 's work to be proud of .
9 But about a month later I played in a trophy competition and played a disastrous round and put my handicap up to 16 which I 'm trying to get down by playing in two medal competitions in October .
10 The plays become a focus , not only for question about Renaissance drama , but about a variety of cultural debates .
11 We are not talking only about Trident , but about a whole range of defence activities that are being curtailed and on which expenditure is being cut .
12 We are talking not about reasonable fees , which have been independently assessed , but about a fee levied by a home .
13 ‘ We are not here about stores but about a man 's life .
14 erm The Spire is erm a symbol that has a lot of meanings attached to it , and it 's finally a book not about the building of a spire , but about a particular obsession in an individual human being , about the ideas that a man might have about ways of doing great things , which might actually be ideas that are rooted in some sort of self-deception .
15 When , I wonder , did it become fashionable for politicians to talk not about the world but about the planet ?
16 To his surprise , he was not asked for McLean : ‘ Widening gulf ’ details of the attacks , but about the origins of the SMG 's involvement with the case , which had originally been referred to the SMG by the council .
17 Papinian 's doubts , therefore , are not about the validity of setting up trusts in indirect words , but about the use to which the testator is putting these words .
18 Colleges need to earn the trust of their partners by giving clear , unbiased advice about not only what is on offer at the college , but about the pros and cons of other options such as work or Youth Training .
19 As the purpose of teaching is to produce a planned change in students , it is essential that those whose responsibility it is to produce the change should be clear not only about their intentions but about the assumptions on which those intentions are based .
20 This is not a dispute over some small detail , but about the basic mechanism of purring .
21 This , posed by the Nobel Laureate economist Wassily Leontief , asks , not about the fate of stable-hands , ostlers , and grooms , but about the horses themselves .
22 But this conjunction is not just about your life but about the transition humanity is undergoing — a transition that involves the dissolution of outdated structures in order for the new to come in .
23 It is about gaining an understanding , not only of a specific project , but about the way your company works .
24 So this is a statement not about language universals , but about the structure of single languages .
25 Moore insists that the statement that good is indefinable is not about the word ‘ good ’ but about the notion or object it denotes .
26 Edward II 's reign saw a battle not just over royal taxes of the clergy , but about the body which should assent to these taxes .
27 The teaching of communications demands that students approach the subject in a way that entails thinking , not just about individual ideas or issues , but about the relationship between those ideas and also the social location of those ideas .
28 Couples are also older than lone mothers , tend to have larger families , but about the same proportion have a youngest child of under school age .
29 Surely , it might be said , we ought to begin by asking questions not about the ontological features of properties but about the logical characteristics of predicates .
30 And as he drives away , he 's thinking not about the assertiveness of a petty official , but about the horizon .
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