Example sentences of "but who have " in BNC.

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1 For example , emotional problems are often presented as justification for a person 's drunkenness , especially if they are female , and on one occasion a youth who had been involved in an accident but who had only just passed his driving test was let off with a caution by a policewoman in sympathy for his inexperience .
2 This was a band inspired into existence by The Sex Pistols , but who had more in common with Sabbath , Hawkwind , Hendrix , Pink Floyd …
3 She seemed so sanguine that he started to enjoy his leave and they all three went off to see Mona in Jermyn Street , who greeted them with her usual generous hospitality , very little of which was at her or their expense , but who had not seen Charles since his transformation from 2nd Lieutenant to Guardsman .
4 But who had held the syringe over Rose , and why ?
5 Although some of these may have been cases of a genuine change of religious commitment , in many I was given the strong impression that these were people who had come to the church regularly at the time when they were building their political careers but who had subsequently fallen away and now professed no strong denominational attachment .
6 His compatriot , Alexandra Ledermann 's Punition , who beat Navet in the Paris World Cup round but who had a difficult flight to Del Mar , looked much more at ease at the official horse inspection here , after a few days ' rest .
7 But who had persuaded or paid Don Roberto to supply the men , and what reason had he given him ?
8 This right was often exercised and mean that by 1983 many were in the hands of individuals with no interest in golf , but who had inherited bonds by assignment through parents or grandparents .
9 And it is well known that , being required to prepare designs for a useless and costly object by one of our leading nobility , long since deceased , one of princely fortune , but who had an extravagant passion for building , he purposely appealed to the son to advise his father to give the intention ’ .
10 It saved two others too — the gipsies who had stolen Farmer Yatton 's sacks of potatoes and oats , but who had not stolen the pony .
11 There were five informal carers who said at their first interviews they would prefer the dementia sufferer to be in an institution but who had not had that preference fulfilled a year later ( Table 5.6 : three in the action samples , two in control ; four in Ipswich , one in Newham ) .
12 One touching moment during a Love Feast in Edenderry was once when a visitor to the service , who had never attended a Love Feast before but who had felt he wished to share in it , stood and held up half the biscuit he had been given .
13 We began to take men who had volunteered for the guards , but who had been found by senior Service Medical Officers to be suffering from tuberculosis .
14 I sat in the children 's ward , the only one left , and nursed a little boy who had once again returned , but who had developed a whooping cough complication on ‘ the day ’ itself .
15 Jean Campbell , in 1817 , was an uneducated deaf person without any speech who could only write the initials of her name in reverse order , eg. C.J. She was an unmarried woman who had three children by different men , one of whom at the time of her arrest in April 1817 had been living with her as a common law husband but who had a few days earlier taken off the ring that he had given to her and which she wore on her finger in the fashion of a married woman , and had left home .
16 She looked at Gay , who was an only child too , but who had nobody to give her a good time , and then her glance travelled to Breeze , who had just admitted in her light-hearted fashion that she had no idea of what the future would hold for her .
17 Excluded from this group are persons who worked in fields , gardens and plantations for a cash wage , but who had no stake in land .
18 Part of this negative image may be attributed to the general British dislike of South Asians who had acquired some knowledge of English and who followed some Western customs , but who had not fully assimilated the values of an English gentleman .
19 She relied a good deal on Lessing , whom she disliked but who had qualities that made him useful to her ; he was able to work out salaries , including those of his cousins in the Hampstead house , the expenses of running the theatre , lighting , heating , cleaning .
20 This time last year the Witches were interested in Miroslaw Kowalik , a youngster who impressed in a training camp held at Mildenhall but who had too many Polish commitments to be considered in 1992 .
21 Yeremi , Tundrish , and Akbar shot down others who had survived the crystal slivers and the death cloud but who had slowed in apparent shock .
22 If we look at the evidence of Roberts 's study of Lancashire households between 1890 and 1940 , we see that the various categories of kin who co-resided included : unmarried daughters living with parents ; unmarried brothers and sisters living with a married sibling ; orphaned children ; children whose parents were still alive , but who had gone to live with relatives because of parental poverty or lack of space in the parental household ( Roberts , 1984 , pp. 72–7 ) .
23 The evangelist had managed to obtain an affidavit from one of the three Danes responsible for the publication of LRSB but who had since become a Christian , stating that ‘ Mao money ’ had financed the publication of the book in Denmark .
24 Furthermore , the Germans and others who in Freud 's time were antisemitic , but who had not yet , as far as it was known , introduced the Final Solution , had been coerced into Christianity quite recently in their history .
25 Following on from the analysis of known heroin use , the second stage of the ethnographic work involved contacting the ‘ hidden ’ sector , those who had used heroin during the course of the prevalence study period , but who had not come into contact with any of the ten statutory or voluntary agencies surveyed .
26 The house was full of trend-spotters , from gossip columnist Ivan Warner and irritable feminist Kate Armstrong to Treasury adviser Philip , worried about pension projections in an increasingly elderly society : from information vendor Charles Headleand to epidemiologist Ted Stennett , across whose horizon the science-fiction disease of AIDS was already casting a faint red ominous glow : from forensic psychiatrist Edgar Lintot ( who had not yet heard of AIDS , but who had heard rumours about changing views in high places on the sentencing of the criminally insane ) to Alix Bowen , worried on a mundane level about the future funding of her own job and on a less selfish level about the implications for the rehabilitation of female offenders of cuts in that funding : from theatre director Alison Peacock , anxious about her Arts Council subsidy , to Representative Public Figure , Sir Anthony Bland , the aptly named Chairman ( or so Ivan alleged ) of the Royal Commission on Royal Commissions , who was thinking that for various reasons he might have to resign , and from more bodies than one , before the jostling and the hinting pushed him into an undignified retreat .
27 Wilson , whose own competence left something to be desired but who had learned from experience , had already centralised the finances which he had accused branches of the old union of frittering away .
28 An elderly man named John Thomas , who was still a member of the Association of Foremen Lightermen but who had not worked in that capacity for some two years and who was now a watchman , was approached to join Harry Gosling 's Amalgamated Society of Watermen , Lightermen and Watchmen of the River Thames .
29 Crowe and Anthea Warburton lay parallel , Anthea pale only by contrast with Lady Rose 's bright darkness , and with the sunburnt red earth colour of Crowe , who had the look of a man bronzed against nature by willpower and decisive planning , a man whose ruddiness was made for peeling crimson but who had constrained his skin to stay on — even the thin shiny tonsure — and go terra-cotta .
30 He went on to tell Oliver the story of another young boy , who had gone to the police to tell them about the gang , but who had finally been hanged one morning for being a thief .
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