Example sentences of "but who [be] " in BNC.

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1 They are writers who have parted company , but who are in some ways at one .
2 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
3 But who are they ?
4 The wife of Major Moises Giroldi , the dead coup leader , has identified other officers who were involved in the plot , but who are still believed to hold their posts .
5 These companies realized at an early stage that there is no point in trying to compete with the majors in releasing daytime radio or ‘ Top of the Pops ’ material , and that it would be better to find acts who have proved popular on the live circuit but who are considered too left field for the majors .
6 Those people who do manage to stay slim but who are eating average foods , highly processed , high in fat , sugar , and salt but low in fibre , are likely to be damaging their health in the long term .
7 Over the past few years , Dr Anthony Hall , an expert in tropical medicine , has compiled a dossier of patients who he claims have entered Britain ‘ pretending to be tourists , students or refugees ’ but who are in reality coming for free medical care .
8 Mobile mums groups are for mums with ‘ mobile ’ toddlers who need toddler-proof houses but who are maybe not ready yet for the rough and tumble of Open houses .
9 In cases where women ( and the children they directly control ) collect forest products of one type or another , it is they who are most aware of any deterioration in resource availability , but who are often an inaccessible but important target group in agricultural extension efforts to get conservation methods accepted .
10 Vermuyden had faced remarkable difficulties , not least the age-old problem of clients who want the profit at the end of the day , but who are not prepared to lay out sufficient capital to achieve it .
11 First , the proportion of pessimists about the future is clearly and consistently lower than the proportion who perceived deterioration in the economy in the past ; there must be a significant number of people who think things got worse in the last twelve months , but who are perpetually hopeful that the rot has stopped .
12 It is also very well suited to the management of many patients with social and interpersonal problems who have not made attempts , but who are regularly encountered by psychiatrists , general practitioners , and social workers .
13 A case has been made for brief admission of patients who may not be suffering from psychiatric disorders , but who are in a state of particularly severe crisis .
14 Computers remain mysterious to most people , the psychologist maintains , because of the ‘ arrogance ’ of computer scientists and programmers who understand their machines but who are indifferent about the rest of us .
15 The faces of the many others remain with me , the bored and the bewildered ; those who lost the battle at Book 2 but who are confronting Book 4 ‘ because it is there ’ ; those who can mouth Book 4 to the teacher 's satisfaction but do not understand the concepts in it ; those who know Book 4 by heart already .
16 Well , there must be those who are genuinely squeezed by operating from high-cost locations ; some who are , and some who think they are , providing a higher-quality service ; some simply over-priced due to inefficiencies ; and a few possibly making hay while the sun shines but who are ignoring the storm clouds of the recession .
17 There will usually be those who are quite well disposed towards the church but who are drifting .
18 Occasionally it can be achieved by two very different people who may not see eye to eye on a lot of things , but who are determined to try to respect and understand each other for the sake of the man they both love .
19 ‘ They are a people who ask for little but who are enormously and genuinely grateful for any help ’ , wrote one official who witnessed a terrible drought in Masailand in the early 1960s : ‘ They live a hard life uncomplainingly . ’
20 There are also some patients who make wonderful subjects for hypnotic therapy but who are unable to relax sufficiently for regression .
21 It is that the directors ' accountability should be to those who do not direct but who are nevertheless committed to the company .
22 We are looking for people who know their needs and wants , their likes and dislikes — but who are realistic about when they are likely and not likely to be fulfilled .
23 We are looking for individuals who are able to strive for satisfaction , but who are also able to defend and protect themselves from disappointments and setbacks .
24 The wider extended family of distant kin and friends may include some who have died , but who are present in memory .
25 Frankenstein I know from the videoshockers , but who are the others ? ’
26 Those staff not buying or selling houses but who are changing their place of residence receive one payment of £335 which is not taxed .
27 The we-group of the Chewong , however , extends into the domains of non-human beings , that is , it includes all those things in the environment such as trees , stones , rivers , mountains , which are supposed to have consciousness — and thus in Chewong parlance are ‘ people ’ ( beri ) , as well as the large number of beings who are said to exist , but who are invisible to the ordinary eye .
28 ‘ Excuse me , ’ said Dolly , ‘ but who are you ? ’
29 But who are we really talking about ?
30 A special class of prose-speakers for whom verse-speakers descend to the lower level are clowns , who may sing lyrics or speak verse for satiric purposes , but who are almost invariably addressed in prose the moment they appear .
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