Example sentences of "but we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well we done about seventeen of them but mainly on the super mail side but we stick to the one sort of with
2 That is to say we are , we all need renewal and new ideas , but we stick to old quarrels and re-run old battles because we do n't know how to face up to the real problems at the present , nor to find ways of working together for a worthwhile future .
3 But we stuck with the same tune that Wally had come up with .
4 ‘ I 'm afraid I ca n't suggest a Danish wine , since our climate does n't favour the cultivation of the grape , but we import some of the best of our neighbours ’ efforts .
5 We have the resources but we import coal .
6 Columbian coal , mined by women and children , we have the resources , but we import electricity via an undersea cable from France .
7 We have the resources , but we import gas , and I 'm a gas lad as well , and I find that situation farcical .
8 He tried before leaving , as he was looking at his watch , to press me about the glass , but we know each other too well .
9 ‘ Leaving Pete is hard but we know he gets on well with these people and he 's very adaptable . ’
10 Speaking for himself , Svidrigailov says he is after the women , which is n't untrue but we know what it 's worth .
11 We get smoke from the steel works across the valley , but we know what that is and we 're not afraid of it . ’
12 But we know it was n't ice , ’ said Zona Phillips , who founded ‘ Families for Truth about Gander ’ .
13 But we know something else about the bishop 's motive which he could not or would not say to Ramsey .
14 We 've never met her , but we know what she looks like .
15 ‘ We do n't want to lose you but we know you want to go . ’
16 We do n't know how Beethoven conducted his music or how he would have conducted if he had been able to hear everything that was going on , but we know from Brahms 's letters that he allowed himself sometimes great flexibility .
17 But we know that three-generational households were in fact as rare in the past as they are today .
18 Elsie lived but we know very little about her beyond a few basic facts : she married an older man who was rather irascible and treated her badly ; she disappeared in mysterious circumstances when she was about twenty-six ; her body was discovered a year ago on the bed of the filled-in Loch Craig .
19 ‘ They may be sympathetic and may want to try to help , but we know that they treat the symptoms and not the cause . ’
20 In an ideal world , such fencing would be entirely of natural hedgerows and ditches , but we know that it is inevitable that artificial fencing will provide the bulk of such restraint for cattle and for sheep .
21 But we know there 's some trouble there , do n't we ? ’
22 In many ways , problem solving is just common sense but we know how rare that is !
23 But we know who does want to .
24 But we know far too little to generalize the effect of their habits on the population at large , and of marriage among the lower classes we know next to nothing .
25 Of the incidence of poverty and famine we know comparatively little , but we know enough to be sure that both were common .
26 But we know different . ’
27 Not only do Christians have the necessary basis for such a concept , but we know that we are commanded to live out a standard unselfishness , far surpassing a mere social grace .
28 The eternal significance of our performance is difficult , if not impossible , to determine this side of glory , but we know that there is a correlation between that significance and our commitment to God and his purposes .
29 Obviously we 're unable to ensure that none of you omitted cheat by not closing your eyes properly , but we know that if you do sneak a cheeky peek as the pen descends you 'll never be able to watch Bullseye again without suffering heart-rending pangs of guilt .
30 It is uncertain exactly what contributions Brother Oudart made to the development of the Champagne method but we know that he also used corks from Spain and it has been suggested that he was the first to use a liqueur de tirage .
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