Example sentences of "but it get " in BNC.

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1 Throughout the first two weeks of the campaign almost twothirds of our panel cited unemployment as the ‘ main issue ’ that should be discussed but it got little coverage on television news .
2 It started off badly — in April 1940 Norman Birkett spoke of ‘ gross mistakes and pathological stupidities in connexion with its internment policy ( p. 39 ) — but it got better .
3 I was going to have lunch with a client but it got cancelled , so I just stayed here .
4 He appeared in a remake of Jules Verne 's Journey To The Centre Of The Earth , but it got shelved .
5 ‘ It was just about the only song I knew the words to and was an impromptu thing , but it got things started .
6 On my last day there I was literally pushed out of a small news agent 's shop by a pair of youths for requesting a box of matches in English rather than in French ; I even tried my one and only French joke on them and said ‘ Quel fromage ! ’ but it got me nowhere — but out !
7 But it got him in the end .
8 How many times have you read an interview with a musician where he or she says , ‘ Yeah , that was my favourite guitar , but it got stolen , and I never found another like it ’ ?
9 Marlon may have got involved in a noble cause , but it got a lot of people 's backs up in the business .
10 But it got louder and louder until I recognised it as Benny Hill 's voice .
11 But it got ridiculous in the end — I had nothing to eat in the house . ’
12 He set up a select committee with the job of trying to devise a political settlement to the problem of Tamil separatism ; but it got nowhere .
13 But it got out of hand in 1981 , when Andreas Papandreou 's Socialists came to power .
14 IT WAS once an independent state , all 32 square miles of it ; but it got on the wrong side of the local superpower , whereupon angry Athens exiled its inhabitants for daring to ally themselves with Sparta .
15 Alas , US Gold have retained this irritating quirk , and you 've only three credits to play with ( I tried putting a 50p piece into my Commodore when I ran out , but it got jammed between the keys ) .
16 ‘ All right , so you made a mistake , but it got you going , did n't it ?
17 ‘ She did , but it got worse for her .
18 But it got to the stage that I dreaded seeing Mr B 's smiling face in the press box at Blues games , as it was sure to mean another gloom and doom match report in the ‘ Ulster ’ that night .
19 Towards the end it got better and they worked , it was a bad start , but it got better towards the end .
20 But it got to the stage where I could n't enjoy the game because someone was always rubbing my head and saying ‘ How are you doing , Sinbad ? ’ '
21 We started calling them Ronnie but it got a bit confusing .
22 That was , that , but it got over the main point of the story .
23 The issue is a big one , but it gets bigger when we consider the ‘ life and death ’ issues affecting the newly born handicapped child :
24 She said it was all just paper talk because she 'd just had a gorgeous postcard from Mark but it gets to them , I can tell you . ’
25 ‘ I do n't blame them for trying to make a bit of cash , but it gets ridiculous when they insult you for refusing to pay for something you did n't want doing , ’ fumes Mel , 39 .
26 But it gets easier , and if we do n't begin and step out in faith then our gift will never mature .
27 But it gets to the point where I ca n't wait any longer and I 've got to try out whatever mod I have in mind .
28 It 's especially interesting because our vocalist is female and black , which not only avoids the Tin Machine comparisons , but it gets us away from the whole rock'n'roll boy 's club scenario .
29 ‘ They leave you in a certain mood , which you might not be able to explain at the time , but it gets under your skin . ’
30 They 've tried to put a plaque there but it gets stolen .
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