Example sentences of "but that it " in BNC.

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1 The two cases also show that change is a possibility , but that it has mainly been in the past through change in the hierarchy 's and clergy 's attitudes as well .
2 Who knows but that it may look very different to bigger , different beings ?
3 He also says that the nickel content does not , for all practical purposes , make any difference to the hardness , but that it does make it more stain resistant .
4 It does n't follow that the cap/name link disappears but that it becomes so to say transpersonalized .
5 The party has to emphasise that , in contrast to the Tories , it believes public spending should rise in line with growth in output , but that it will pursue responsible fiscal policies .
6 To most Anglicans now , though , the main thing about the papacy is not that it is evil — that seems an absurd accusation — but that it is frequently silly and wrong .
7 Staff at Coopers were told that a name for the new firm had not been decided , but that it was likely that it would start with Coopers .
8 The second — Mr Lawson 's line -that demand is indeed slowing down , but that it takes a long time to affect the balance of payments .
9 The London Boroughs Association firmly believes that much more housing is needed , but that it must be provided in the right locations .
10 He was quite prepared to argue the case that savage practices might be integral to a culture : ‘ We may not like the notion of cannibalism or head-hunting , but that it formed part of a distinct and tenable form of culture in Melanesia is indisputable . ’
11 Eliot does not see primitive religion as a necessary basis for Christianity , ‘ I do not believe that Christianity germinates out of natural religion , but that it is given by revelation . ’
12 When he left Williams for Ferrari , I remember Frank Williams reminiscing at his annual press luncheon that he had fond memories of Alan Jones and Keke Rosberg , but that it would be some time before he had similar memories of Nigel .
13 If Alice were marrying one of the Irish Guards on duty at Buckingham Palace today , she would probably comment , not that his life is ‘ terrible hard ’ ( though of course training is tough ) , but that it is terribly varied .
14 Geoff Keerie , assistant city environmental health officer , said the council was disappointed with the result of the appeal , but that it was content that the threat of a serious risk to public health had been removed .
15 Doctors said yesterday his condition had improved significantly , but that it was still serious .
16 Mr Ritblat said yesterday that he was prepared to sell the properties off piecemeal and had put no timescale on the disposal of assets , but that it was conceivable that a big foreign investor might move in to buy the portfolio in its entirety .
17 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
18 President Bush also came away from his talks with Mr Gorbachev in Malta convinced that the Soviet leader recognised that German reunification may turn out to be unavoidable , but that it must come as part of a wider European endeavour to end the post-war division of Europe .
19 Mr Gorbachev 's clear message was that the time had not yet come to abolish the party 's monopoly of power , but that it might well do so when a new political structure had been worked out , and the present economic crisis overcome .
20 This points to the real worry about 1991 : not that it will not be good enough , but that it will be too good .
21 But this rule is not so simple as at first sight it looks , for it means , not that priority is gained by registration , but that it is lost through failure to register .
22 Israel 's great sin was n't that it did not do good things — but that it did not obey the Law , the Torah .
23 Seek not after new light for the searching into the private records of God … the event is registered in heaven , and we can expect no other certain notice of it , but that it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared by the Father of mercies . ’
24 When nuns make vows of celibacy they are saying that something is true for them in particular but that it does not belong to them .
25 With opinion polls showing support for the party at its lowest mid-term level for decades , the common belief is not that the Government is out-of-touch or seen as tired and uncaring , but that it has n't gone far enough .
26 Then , next time , when the horse is to be shod it will remember not only being shod , but that it was n't afraid .
27 The worse criticism , of course , is not that Carpenter 's Gothic was cheap nor that most of the styles chosen were imitative but that it did no good .
28 The problem with the current rapid expansion of higher education was not that it was underfunded , but that it was taking place in the wrong subject areas , he said .
29 Many believe that Mr Kinnock 's heart may have been cut out and stamped on but that it beats anew in Mr Brown , and for this reason alone the party leader is credited with wanting the 41-year old Scot to succeed him in the event of disaster .
30 My guess is that the German authority is waiting to be forced by outside opinion to reimpose some form of genuine , serious ban ; but that it will do so only at a price — that of an assurance from other major national authorities that they will actively target specific drug-suspects under their own jurisdiction , proceeding upon information they may already possess but have chosen not to ‘ activate ’ .
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