Example sentences of "but to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Members of the Irish Dail feel pressure , they say , to look after constituents , because their support may slip away not only to rival parties but to other members of their own .
2 It is useful to be able to read aloud well , not just to brothers and sisters , but to other people as well .
3 But to other things . ’
4 Business-to-Business Marketing — an intensive five-day course designed specifically for marketers in organisations which sell not to consumers but to other firms , government bodies and not-for-profit organisations , where the buyer is generally a professional and purchasing is frequently a group decision .
5 Du Maurier always said that her life would be dull , not to her but to other people .
6 Well here 's news for IBM — at the present rate , it will have lost 100% of its mainframe sales in five years , almost all of them not to competing IBM products but to competing companies .
7 Even here , as the fact of policing came to be established , opposition was not to the police per se , but to specific operations or tactics .
8 His attitude to South Africa was epitomized when he went not there but to neighbouring Rhodesia in 1953 .
9 The British decision confirmed what had become increasingly apparent since 1958 , that the EEC was central not just to European integration , but to Western Europe as a whole , and that after 1957 the history of West European cooperation would centre upon the EEC , upon both its activities and the response to it by the other European states .
10 But to Western critics of newly- confident Japan it sounds distinctly over-the-top , especially when you add the extra ingredient of Picasso 's Les Noces de Pierrette .
11 The £92 million difference between the was plain enough , but how much was the unspoiled beauty of Twyford Down worth , not just to present-day citizens of Winchester but to future generations ?
12 Such swift and arbitrary death , due neither to weakness nor fault , but to sheer chance , is the fate of vast numbers of animals that every day are eaten by predators .
13 So the general point about this literature is that oppositional youth cultures amongst working class youth are still envisaged as closely linked not just to wider public values but to middle class public values .
14 The events of the 1540s led not to decision , but to increased floundering , and a rush for cover .
15 Examination of data on tax relief for private health insurance premiums for over 60s , general practice fundholding , and implementation and transaction costs suggest that much of the increased efficiency is not due to the reforms but to increased funding .
16 Without it , human diseases picked up by contact with their late owners could easily have been spread not only to the other apes at the station but to forest-living orangs with whom they mixed .
17 the future belongs neither to small States , nor to small Churches , but to great federal unions of self-governing communities …
18 This remarkable condottiere — the word is pure Italian and does not translate at all well ; it describes a mercenary , but perhaps ‘ soldier of fortune ’ is more polite and catches the flavour better — not only managed to hold on to his head , but to great booty as well .
19 From Boppard you can easily helm your car to view not just panorama after wonderful river panorama , but to great sights such as the Loreley rock , form which a rogue mermaid was said to have lured sailors to their death .
20 The reservations that Galileo 's rivals held about accepting phenomena such as the moons of Jupiter that Galileo had learnt to see must have been in part due , not to prejudice , but to genuine difficulties encountered when learning to ‘ see ’ through what were , after all , very crude telescopes .
21 Much of the benefit of this expansion accrued not to smaller farmers , but to central government or to large landowners and landlords .
22 NSE 's name , and livery , was chosen to give a new character and significance to the rail system in the south east , and to emphasise its unity as a system , no longer a series of independent lines owning loyalty not to London as a whole but to long-abolished independent railway companies .
23 However , ta'kwakomena not only refers to responsibility , but to personal autonomy in general .
24 It is important to emphasize that the discussion thus far has been developed , and the above conclusions have been reached , within the framework of the traditional account , which rests upon certain crucial assumptions common not only to the writers connected with the traditional account but to certain others not connected with the tradition as well .
25 That application form put him on the ladder , not only to the top of the Japanese profession , but to international recognition — on 1 January this year he took over the chairmanship of the International Accounting Standards Committee .
26 But to outside observers this was not so .
27 As a result those areas , notably the paramos plains and intermontane valleys , which are suitable for herding and crop-growing are experiencing environmental problems due not simply to over-exploitation , but to poor management such as the lack of rotational grazing and the replacement of traditional crops with cash crops .
28 Most said that they had been surprised if not totally taken aback on the news of the merger ; but to various degrees said that they were prepared to work with the new ownership as long as the guarantees of openness and neutrality made by Novell regarding the development of System V.4 were maintained .
29 This was important not only to the house-building industry , but to general UK economic recovery , he said .
30 Yes , most Boards do , I think , but to varying extents .
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