Example sentences of "but to do [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But to do him justice , the Prime Minister never gave me any impression that he wanted me to succeed him … .
2 That was a plot against Rachel she had never thought of , to take up maths again but to do it in the USA .
3 The first time , he asked the man to make love to him right there in the car , not to take him home yet but to do it to him there in the car .
4 ‘ You dream about scoring at Anfield — but to do it both ends and to silence the Kop is a fantastic feeling . ’
5 To get out was a considerable achievement : to go on to etch his own personality on the world was so rare as to be wonderful : but to do it on his own terms , in his own way and to do exactly as he wanted was astounding .
6 Activists had the job of implicating West Indian proprietors in the public mind with the lack of progress since 1807 but to do it ‘ wisely and prudently ’ by seeking ‘ to second or to remove the impediments out of the way of the free operation of the Jaws which the Creator has fixed in the nature of things ’ .
7 To lighten what can be quite an anxiety provoking experience , it is sometimes helpful to ask the client to role play a particular situation , but to do it at first , extremely badly .
8 ‘ Kill him , yes , but to do it that particularly brutal way puzzles me .
9 So now the pressure on the broker is not only to do more business but to do it in exactly their way . ’
10 ‘ It is a fantastic achievement to win here just once but to do it six times is amazing and a very special feat . ’
11 It takes a special person to handle complaints in any case but to do it for 22 years deserves a special mention , always maintaining a diplomatic and friendly attitude to each individual case .
12 Would , would , would would , but , I mean I 'm quite in favour of people having their genitals mutilated as adults , once they 're over eighteen , they go to hospital and sign a consent form and have it done as long as they pay for it themselves , but to do it to newborn children strikes me as outrageous .
13 Light is cast on the customs of contemporary devotion by the instruction not " climb up to the cross " to kiss Christ 's feet in tears of penitence but to do it in his heart .
14 But to do it without damaging the flora and fauna , horse power still reigns supreme .
15 ‘ It is bad enough doing that to the uninitiated , but to do it to the Secretary of State is really beyond the pale — it 's quite pathetic . ’
16 But to do it in lane three , to get out and change a tyre is beyond belief .
17 I do n't believe it 's God 's purpose unless there 's no other alternative but to do it together with God 's people , with God 's family the fellowship of being together in our witness and in our service , this is the whole purpose of , of , of , of the church family , that we do things together , that we are together and then obedience to God 's will .
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