Example sentences of "but although [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But although we may be confident that a gradient exists , and influences subsequent development , we usually have no idea what it is a gradient of , and rather little idea of how genes are actually switched on and off .
2 But although we were friends , it was strictly business out there .
3 We went to see Antigone in Greek but although we were well primed beforehand you ca n't follow it without a crib .
4 But although we may have a spiritual or mental knowledge of the pregnancy , the actual physical development of the baby in the womb has to lie beyond our conscious control .
5 The boy himself confirmed my suspicions , but although we were ‘ in love ’ , as boys and girls of that age so often are , we never attempted to put our theory into practice .
6 But although we are almost close neighbours , communication between the two island groups have never been easy until comparatively recently .
7 But although we must operate throughout the world , we can not ignore the national differences in the marketplace .
8 But although we are not arguing that women or feminists have privileged access to the truth about reality , we agree with Jaggar that the standpoint of women offers an opportunity to see what is wrong with current male-defined theories and to correct them .
9 It clearly had very different meanings in these teachers ' minds , but although we talked about these together , it was not so easy to put them into words .
10 They were not , Hope observed , as Mrs Crump and Mrs Moore surrounded her with attention , the welled-up tears of spontaneous emotion — not if he was anything of a judge : there was something spare , almost dry , if the word could be excused , about the tears ; he noted their dryness carefully while , in mime show , semaphoring to Colonel Moore and Mr Crump ‘ the female of the species ’ and ‘ over-sensibility ’ and ‘ poor child ’ and ‘ let the ladies resolve it but although we are men of the world we too are not unmoved by the finer shades of feeling , especially for those fallen on life 's remorseless battlefield . ’
11 But although we all looked everywhere for Heathcliff , there was no sign of him that night , or for many nights in the future .
12 But although we found little , report had magnified our findings in no ordinary degree and we afterwards learnt that it had gone over the country around that we had dug up a great treasure of gold .
13 But although we ca n't comprehend these levels of improbability in our minds , we should n't just run away from them in terror .
14 But although we are entitled , in our theory of the origin of life , to spend a maximum ration of luck amounting , perhaps , to odds of 100 billion billion to one against , my hunch is that we are n't going to need more than a small fraction of that ration .
15 But although we drink goats milk , and relish goats cheese , we 're reluctant to eat goats meat .
16 But although they work well in the older types of glider , they are not practical with the modern machines which have a very docile stall and which will not drop a wing at the stall without gross over-ruddering .
17 But although they lived as the only intellectual representatives of their own language in so small a place as Rapallo , they were not destined to decrease each other 's mental loneliness .
18 But although they both tried to smile still , neither of them failed to notice the past tense she had used for the word ‘ love ’ .
19 But although they live on the edge of Wentworth Golf Course , Lady Haslam prefers gardening when at home .
20 But although they are only thoughts in our minds , by the very design of our experiments we project these patterns onto the ‘ outside ’ reality and therefore either fail to see anything else , or are confused when observations do not fit our inward mind patterns and expectations .
21 Twice a year they have a heavy coat moult which is fairly dramatic , but although they are a big , active breed they eat surprisingly little .
22 But although they might be better mounted , by normal standards , they were not so well horsed for rough riding as were the Borderers on their tough , sure-footed hill ponies ; on this terrain the fleeing men ought to be able to keep ahead .
23 She thanked them for their efforts but although they waited for a tip it was not forthcoming , so they went off grumbling .
24 But although they can be fairly clearly defined they are the outcome of complex relationships within the firm such that entrepreneurship is diffused through different levels of management , frequently to a degree that the operative distinction between entrepreneur and manager no longer applies [ Alford , 1976 ] .
25 Naturally , in view of the political interest of Lord Milton and the Duke of Argyll , John Main was not left to languish in the state of promoted unemployment to which Colonel Haldane 's enmity had consigned him , but although they were able to secure a port appointment for Main which brought him a regular salary , it was at Bo'ness , on the Lothian shore of the river Forth and directly under they eye of Haldane 's ally , Collector Middleton , who sent the unfortunate Main ‘ on every drudgery piece of business to different places to put him to all the expence & trouble the Collector can devise ’ .
26 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
27 Traditionally , Archdeacon Oliver explains , archdeacons dealt with legal and property matters , but although they still have to keep an eye on architects and parsonage houses , their work is far more , nowadays , to do with pastoral negotiation .
28 But although they had been settled for the moment the two great political problems of the next half-century had already been foreshadowed : first , the tensions within the Angevin family ; second , the feudal question of the relationship between lord and vassal , between Capetian and Angevin .
29 But although they were terrified of the Magistrate , who in more peaceful times had so often savaged their verses , the ladies in the billiard room stoutly refused to volunteer for the banqueting hall , which they wrongly believed to be more dangerous than the Residency except for Lucy , who was generally acknowledged to have nothing to live for anyway .
30 But although they add information as to who is present , they still do n't tell the computers what everybody is doing .
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