Example sentences of "but [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For I have news of great moment to report , viz. that on Friday last by a night when the moon shone but weakly we had intelligence that our neighbours in this land were embarked upon a most fiendish and treacherous Enterprise , namely to do every man among us fatal harm while we were still sleeping in our beds .
2 The cottage the gate belonged to had disappeared , but perversely its gate had been left behind .
3 She had n't wanted another argument , but perversely she was now filled with deep resentment at the way he was hijacking her right to tear him to pieces .
4 But yo , but luckily we had to check our bottles to make sure there 's no peroxides in them .
5 He was knocked unconscious for a brief period but luckily nothing was broken .
6 He 'd come out here to try to make trouble over her work , but luckily everything was going so well that he 'd find that difficult .
7 Such studies are rare , but luckily one exists of an area from which emigration to Britain has occurred ( Mamdani : The Myth of Population Control , Monthly Review Press , 1972 ) .
8 Bishop said : ‘ It really was panic stations , but luckily they delayed the plane for half an hour otherwise I would have been in real trouble . ’
9 Actually it was lucky that we went right over all three lanes of the motorway , there was a lot of people behind us , but luckily they saw the tyres , and they backed off , but we could have finished up in a real
10 They say that the food is very rich , but luckily they 've got plenty of room in their dresses !
11 The hardest part was establishing the rhythm and co-ordination but luckily he 's a tolerant chap who did n't appear to mind when I got it wrong . ’
12 At that point people were not giving much for his chances , but luckily he had no internal injuries .
13 This brought the chucker-out to see what the commotion was about , but luckily he could n't tell what row it had come from because the old woman snatched me up by the hem of my frock and sat me on the seat .
14 But luckily he kept his distance and never quite found the courage to have a go at her .
15 It set fire to the sheets , but luckily he managed to put the flames out with some water . ’
16 Bob is still waiting to be summoned by Paisley Hospital , but luckily he has had very little trouble meanwhile .
17 This is an easy way to have a number of gliders wrecked by the wind , but luckily it does not occur very often .
18 ‘ We burnt out the pto three times last year , but luckily it only takes an hour to change it . ’
19 The tree was so big that , if it had fallen into the clearing , it would have flattened most of the gathering , but luckily it went in the other direction , toppling over the cliffside .
20 Few people will be able to complete the route in one go , but luckily it is accessible by public transport at a number of staging points , so it can be split into chunks more manageable in a fortnight 's holiday .
21 ‘ Very hard ; I was worried about a hairline fracture , but luckily it was just a bad lump .
22 At one stage it was thought that the old lady would be written off , but luckily it was not to be and the following year I was able to take her from Buckie with a new lease of life .
23 ‘ Sadly there 's always a minority who do n't appreciate success and hard work , but luckily it 's rare , ’ he said .
24 I braced myself for the explosion but luckily it went between the wheels .
25 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
26 Cheque book journalism has been pointed at Madge but luckily she 's weathered the storm or else , ’ Dame Edna paused dramatically , ‘ she 'd be back on the streets . ’
27 All that morning I was frightened that my sister would discover that I had stolen from her , but luckily she was so busy cleaning the house , and roasting the chickens for our Christmas lunch that she did not notice that I had been out , or that any food was missing .
28 It was days before we managed to get in touch with Sylvia through a third party but luckily she was still fine .
29 erm but luckily she 's rubbed it out with thingy so
30 ‘ Bits of broken glass showered over me but luckily I was n't injured . ’
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