Example sentences of "not just his " in BNC.

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1 So it 's a drain on , on the time , not just his but the knock-on effect .
2 Yet it is not just his commitments with the Royal Ballet that hold him up , it is also his unusually intense way of making a work .
3 The tout has other costs to cover , too : these include not just his time , but also the capital cost of his initial outlay and the psychic cost of being a social outcast .
4 Thus armed , any young lawyer could serve the public good , not just his own .
5 It is not just his verbosity , his inability to make any statement or express any idea , briefly and in plain English .
6 They 're putting him on my tummy — he 's red all over ( not just his nose ! ) and completely bald .
7 The troubles which surrounded him were not just his own .
8 Not just his brother , not just his murderer , but a woman of Isobel 's innocence and courage , the life of a child not yet born ?
9 Not just his brother , not just his murderer , but a woman of Isobel 's innocence and courage , the life of a child not yet born ?
10 Yet his family was totally dependent on him , not just his brothers but his mother and his father , so he could n't buck the system ; the pressure to rein him back in and continue the status quo and what was making money won over .
11 Diego Maradona of Argentina carried not just his team but the aspirations of a poor , struggling nation on his broad shoulders .
12 Everything was more intense , not just his emotions .
13 While in Mexico , Penn had found himself wielding not just his paintbrush but also the camera , and Liberman , fascinated by the results , nurtured Penn 's developing interest and gave him his first commission — a still-life cover for Vogue , October 1943 .
14 He is advising on a draft bill for a new law to protect Britain 's archaeological heritage better , but he is the kind of academic to whom the government turns for advice on all kinds of matters , not just his own specialisations : last year , for example , he was responsible for the Report on the National Curriculum in art education in schools .
15 So what really causes the soldier 's action is not just his belief , but a combination of that belief with a certain desire .
16 It turns out that it is not just his own set and his own age-group that he speaks for .
17 It now explained not just his character .
18 Not just his words , but my own , not spoken or thought , just lingering somewhere , dormant .
19 My hon. Friend is right , and that is not just his opinion .
20 I feel I must reply to some of the points Mr , Findlay made during the course of the conversation ( I was told that these were not just his views , ie. he had discussed the matter with you ) .
21 ‘ Now when I say he believed in England I do n't mean your thatched cottages and warm beer he did n't think the place was cute , not just his grandfather 's birthplace .
22 I can find him again , his physical body , not just his mind . ’
23 Though it was not just his appearance .
24 ‘ It 's not just his job that 's at stake , though goodness knows that 's important enough ; it 's his way of life . ’
25 There are the comic characters like Wopsle , Mrs Pocket , Mr Pumblechook but a lot of the humour comes from Dickens ' words on paper , not just his invention of characters .
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