Example sentences of "not also [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If the charge of hypocrisy can be raised against the latter , is it not also possible to raise it against the former ?
2 In this work it is extraordinarily easy to produce ghost images and chimeras , like the canals on Mars , which may or may not be cracks , but even if Andrade 's patterns showed genuine surface cracks , which seems likely , this would not prove that there were not also internal cracks .
3 Is it not also serious that it is implied that the Home Office knew about that involvement at the time ?
4 But nothing was issued on the format which was not also available on smaller records .
5 Although it would be a mistake to see them as watertight compartments , or to pretend that issues raised in the first were not also relevant to the third , this division is helpful in indicating broad trends and key differences , which will be explored in the sections which follow .
6 For example , one is hard-pressed to find an example of a visionary leader who was not also adept at using language .
7 But Wagner 's art , so irresistible and so much to the fore in Nietzsche 's thinking , seemed to presuppose some value other than — or in addition to — beauty : and was this not also true of Greek art , on the basis of which the theory of beauty had been largely formed ?
8 In order to do this , however , Britain must herself become in some degree protectionist and place tariffs on foreign imports of at least the things which the Dominions had to sell to her — above all , food , if not also raw materials .
9 THE stubborn candidature of Mr John Browne for Winchester would be comic were it not also deceitful — he proclaims himself the Conservative in all his literature — and dangerous to the Tory interest in a desperately close election .
10 If two uncontrolled groups prove to be different in some respect , we can only treat this as evidence of a causal relationship if we are convinced that they are not also different in some other important respect , as we shall
11 ( Doane 1984 , p. 6 ) But this does not mean either that film-viewers are not also active readers of film who can produce their own meanings , or that identification with mainstream fiction film characters means unconditional surrender to bourgeois ideology .
12 But the balancing act does not have to be done in the United States with regard to AFDC ( and other programmes , such as Medicaid ) , because the government which distributes the benefits ( at the State level ) is not also responsible for raising most of the money to pay for them ( which comes from the Federal government ) .
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