Example sentences of "not by any " in BNC.

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1 I would not to-morrow , for the sake of a united Ireland , give up the policy of trying to make this a really Irish Ireland — not by any means .
2 I suspect that the rejection of the £7m offer by the All England Club for the land of the Wimbledon Sports Club opposite is not by any means the end of the story .
3 But if it is not by any application of the resolutio-compositive method that we know that all causation is a matter of motion , how can we be sure that it is ?
4 James was foiled mainly by the determination of the European powers , including the Warrior Pope Julius II , to fight one another instead , and certainly not by any substantial doubt on the part of his subjects that a king from Scotland was overreaching himself ; indeed , his popularity was to bring him an enormous Scottish army for the campaign against the English in 1513 which ended in the disaster of Flodden .
5 There is probably some truth in this , but it should be remembered that both Haussmann and his master were essentially builders and planners in the classical tradition , which was not by any means new in France .
6 You should , of course , be judged in relation to what you are employed , and reasonably expected , to do , not by any other touchstone .
7 First was the argument that the urban is characterized not by any spatial or cultural boundary as had been contended by earlier theorists , but as the site of consumption processes involved in the reproduction of labour power .
8 It is far better to follow the analysis of Riccobono ( who was not by any means a radical interpolationist ) and admit that the text as it stands is not how Ulpian left it .
9 This means that in CLE-I , choices of structure and of word sense in situations like this are determined purely by grammar rule orderings and lexical entry orderings respectively , and not by any referential factors .
10 It is not by any means inconceivable that it could upset most of the other 10 .
11 Educational theory does not by any means have the answers to all our educational problems .
12 The foregoing submissions do not by any means exhaust the sources of evidence that leave no doubt that belief in a ‘ god ’ in some form , and a corresponding religion , is absolutely necessary to mankind .
13 The survival of the fittest meant that the struggle for life condemned millions of living creatures to starvation or violent death from many causes , not by any means the least important of which was the provision of food for other species .
14 Therefore , the plan itself has a character of its own ; it is not by any means a more or less ‘ complete ’ plan of a developed socialist state of society .
15 Although Rangers are taught to put their horses ' comfort before their own , smartness in their personal appearance is not by any means neglected .
16 Not by any means a bad film , but overrated .
17 It 's simply that it is not by any means obvious how PR is supposed to deliver all these goodies .
18 Styling himself ‘ Dr. Isaac Titford ’ , he had been commissioned surgeon ( not by any means so prestigious a profession then as now ) in the first battalion , Sixtieth Royal American Regiment , and had lived for a while in Virginia ; he was also giving his enterprising spirit full reign out there in the West Indies , fathering the odd quadroon or two , dabbling in the slave trade , a postmaster at Spanish Town , a partner in a firm of druggists in Kingston and the owner of a coffee and pimento plantation .
19 The Super Seven is not by any stretch of the imagination a cruising car , in fact for many people it is downright impractical .
20 Tolkien was not by any means cut off from the mainstream of English poetry , though the qualities he valued were not surprise , the mot juste , verbal complexity , but rather a slow probing of the familiar .
21 After bullying the Queen into paying income tax ‘ like everybody else ’ the Government has been embarrassingly reminded by the Birt affair of the many high earners who do not by any means pay tax like everybody else .
22 Notably , she reserves her criticism for Lombroso — not by any means , at the time she was writing , the only person to have made the connection — remarking that his method was merely one of ‘ heaping up instances which support his thesis ’ .
23 Though she told her husband ‘ shrewdly and shortly ’ that she thought she had married beneath her , he proved on the whole a sympathetic and supportive husband in what can not by any standards have been a normal or comfortable married life .
24 Not by any means always , but more often than not ; and much more often than most .
25 Where else has he accumulated his vast wealth — and we have n't added it all up yet , not by any means . ’
26 This scientific attitude did not by any means always lead to a denial of the reality of God ; but it did not encourage the anticipation that God would actually intervene in the ordinary course of events ; nor , when faced with a strange or unexpected occurrence , would it immediately turn to God as the only possible explanation .
27 James Stephen would not allow an exaggeration of Clarkson 's contribution but saw the historical memory of antislavery preserved in the names of Wilberforce and Clarkson ‘ not by any human caprice or fortuitous accident but by the selection and appointment of the Master they served ’ .
28 Yet this was n't the whole picture , oh no , not by any means .
29 We can distinguish various items ; I will represent them as stacked , in a way which is typical , but not by any means universal .
30 But that was not by any means the end of the matter .
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