Example sentences of "this [modal v] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Let me put it this way , and I think this may please the Noble Lord MacIntosh , there are moments when this House is in danger of being too conservative .
2 This may partially explain the better results seen here compared with those obtained with metal stents in postsurgical strictures .
3 This may simply involve a talk with the infected patient explaining the way in which the diseases are transmitted and asking that he or she make every effort to persuade the contacts to attend .
4 This may simply be a matter of explaining once again the implications of the diseases in terms of any personal relationships , giving advice about contraceptive clinics , or just lending a sympathetic ear while the patient unburdens his or her problems .
5 But this may simply reflect the tremendous difficulties involved in such trials .
6 Initially , this may simply involve the elicitation of a sequence of sounds or actions which can be endowed with social meaning .
7 This may simply involve calculating correlations between two sets of test scores .
8 The dog will not be able to recollect the cause of the punishment , and as a result this may simply serve to damage the bond between you .
9 At one level , this may simply be a matter of ‘ massaging ’ the statistics , something in which all governments engage .
10 This may simply be treasure and dead monsters , but is more likely to involve a search for a magical object or group of objects that have been carefully guarded and hidden .
11 This may simply mean adding a flower , an attractively draped scarf or a glass of wine to the products to be photographed , but it may also mean creating a complete atmosphere .
12 This may simply involve consulting an index of all the sites , finds and monuments in the area , but if such an index does not exist , extensive research in museums and libraries may be necessary to compile such an index before any work in the field takes place .
13 This may simply be because subjects assumed that the current study was essentially about risk and expected to encounter some particularly dangerous situations .
14 This may simply mean a better understanding of historical sites , including those abroad in this age of mass foreign travel ; it may lead to active participation of an archaeological nature ; it may mean a better guide by which to judge or understand the paperback or so-called " historical novel " or the historical play on television .
15 In absolute terms this may simply represent trends in a growing economy .
16 We have already seen that this may simply have been a way of saying that Wulfstan had secured an undertaking that they were going to abandon practices which he found displeasing .
17 And she said it with such pride and such display that Clara did not feel at all obliged to conceal the amazement and delight that she felt , as she might , if confronted with a more worldly modesty , have done : for Clelia 's manner declared , this is singular this is beautiful , this may legitimately amaze , you betray no innocence in admiring this .
18 This may easily be demonstrated by substituting only the products of Legendre functions of the first kind into the condition ( 7.15 ) , which can not then be satisfied .
19 Unfortunately this may easily be overlooked as the offending animal often just appears to prosper while its neighbours shrink away and finally die .
20 For the reader about to abandon the book this may easily uncover previously undisclosed information ; for the committed reader it can add to his overall perspective on the book , thus helping him understand the relation of the parts to the whole , e.g. D. Marquand , Ramsay MacDonald ( 1977 ) , is about more than a former Prime Minister .
21 This theory has it that , as a breed , doctors like to be masters of every possible situation , and that this may even be a factor in their selection of medicine as a career .
22 In America , with its vast distances , plane travel plays a much larger part in people 's lives than in Britain , and this may even be a contributory cause of the greater general literacy that is found in America today .
23 In some cases this may even mean not using a page makeup package at all but rather a high-powered word processor like Lotus Manuscript , Word or WordPerfect 5.0 .
24 This may again be necessary for work with learning resources , but librarians and experienced teachers will in any case want to stress the absolute necessity of previous detailed checking to see that the resources likely to be helpful and required are actually available .
25 A partial explanation for this may again be found in the 1925 precedent .
26 There is much here , he thinks , to be explored and researched : this may yet be Robin Child 's most creative period .
27 ‘ If she comes back , unharmed , unchanged , ’ said Cadfael , ‘ this may yet pass without harm or disgrace to any .
28 Something approaching this may yet emerge through Action for Governors ' Information and Training — a co-ordinating agency based in Coventry .
29 This may yet be the end of me .
30 It has placed its diplomatic future in the hands of one outside power , and this may eventually prove more dangerous than adopting a less aggressive policy towards its neighbours .
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