Example sentences of "this [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Do you think that at a time like this I am afraid of words ? … if he dies tonight there will always be a gulf at my side , a gulf into which I must never fall ’ ( p. 87 ) .
2 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
3 It is necessary for us to settle on a royalty rate for overseas duplication of titles , and it is this I am now writing to you about .
4 In this I am afraid he was unsuccessful .
5 But , gentlemen , of this I am certain , the Conservative Party has been a good thing for this country and it is our business today , and as long as we can , to keep that Party solid ; and if splits must come , to delay them as long as we possibly can ( Applause ) .
6 In writing this I am acutely aware that the energy of commitment fuelled by the gravity of the situation in the Philippines has once more taken a hold of me .
7 To this he answered ‘ Daphne , I respect you very much , and I respect your husband very much , and because of this I am going to tell you the truth .
8 Why I 'm very positive about this I am a rheumatoid arthritis person , have been since I oh I do n't know happen to be in my fifties I think .
9 As I am unsure which department of the Borough Council would have responsibility for a matter like this I am addressing my letter to you and trust that you will pass it on to the appropriate office .
10 Of this I am certain . ’
11 This I am told was publicly declared at Redruth market last Friday .
12 sure but again I mean if there was a market for this I am sure that to take that and splinter it off into a unit it costs money to get people that want to come into this business
13 From this I was wakened by a strange , very beautiful twanging music , coming from all about me .
14 In this I was no different from Michael , but where he thought of eagles , I thought of dolphins .
15 Having read this I was drawn to the words of the Apostle Paul when he wrote ‘ But when the fulness of time was come , God sent forth his Son , made of a woman , made under the law , to redeem them that were under the law , that we might receive the adoption of sons . ’
16 At this I was more frightened than ever .
17 After this I was told to sit by the fire beside my benefactor .
18 I tried to take over the kitchen , but in this I was thwarted by my father who had his own ideas about food , and who would keep interfering and making a mess , whereas I preferred to clear away and wash up as I went along .
19 ‘ Prior to this I was uneasy , and my constituents were uneasy , that some smart lawyer in the future could get round these rights for BR dependants , ’ he said .
20 Forty-five minutes after agreeing to write this I was down on the bridge at Abingdon watching the sun set across the Thames .
21 He says , " I can not remember a dream report which took the form , " Well , I was dreaming of such and such , but as I was dreaming this I was imagining a different scene which was completely unrelated . " "
22 Despite this I was recognised .
23 Of this I was certain since , but for a short , horizontal passage running behind a row of blind windows , the main spiral leads directly , in two long verticals , from crypt to turret .
24 This I was to learn later , too late to recapture a heart irretrievably lost during that first week .
25 In this I was happily to be proved wrong , but who could have known that at the time ?
26 But when I inquired about this I was told : ‘ they belt the kid later , in private ’ .
27 I mean , we do n't stand still at this because what will seem a very good service this year will look like a lousy service in five years ' time so let's not pretend the fact that we have n't achieved everything we 've achieved this year in some previous years means that we have n't made any improvements because I think one of the key areas where in fact er improvements have been made in previous years , and to a certain extent , one could say reading this I was worried by an apparent admission of very much reference or very much expenditure on them in the provision of day centres , because I think that a key element in care in the community and the fact that today so successfully this year has been the fact that a major number of th and I do n't think there 's any disagreement over this , a number of day centres , very efficient and very effective day centres , were developed , funded , provided mainly in the conurbation areas and I think Mr is right to highlight the fact that , as so often happens in these instances , it 's people who live in conurbations who get the best deal because it 's , it 's more economical , it 's easier to provide a centre for a large number of people than it is for a small number of people .
28 Can I also say really I agree with Martin when he said erm , and has been saying for at least six months that surely we have more important things to , to talk about than , than this and I 'm sorry for Martin that he had to erm , give in really and put this I was the movement of the amendment in January ninety two erm , which confirmed that the rights of tenants and old occupiers of land in county council ownership to er allow or stop fox hunting over land in their care .
29 Just prior to this I was under a great deal of pressure to complete a computer program , and went in to work while I was suffering from the flu and not sleeping very well .
30 like this I was n't the least bit even not tired or anything .
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