Example sentences of "this [noun] call " in BNC.

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1 Besides opening up and retaining choice of educational placement for pupils with severe visual handicaps , evidence of this kind calls for continuing research into the social aspects of integration for such pupils .
2 Furthermore , I do not see that fastening a label from ancient philosophy upon Wordsworth — in this case to call him a ‘ Pantheist ’ — is particularly helpful ; we are simply consigning him to a museum of dead ideas .
3 What 's this bit called , what is this person called ?
4 He had this boat called Stormy Petrel and he was living on it .
5 I 'd never felt the strength of this emotion called love before .
6 In simplified terms , this guidance calls for the following parameters : .
7 This attempt to call their parents back could last for hours , days , even for a week or more .
8 This association calls upon Council to make strong representations , including the use of the normal information retrieval procedures , to both the Advertising Standards Authority and the Office of Fair Trading to control more effectively the current advertising of and the availability of credit and to press for a tightening of existing guidelines and legislation covering advertising loans , credit cards and other financial services , in order to make the full implications clearer to the consumer ( for example , the nature of a secured loan ) .
9 I discovered Buddy Guy , who was playing in Muddy Waters ' band and there was this album called ‘ Folk Festival Of The Blues ’ , which was the first album that Buddy Guy had appeared on .
10 Andrew , is there a feature in this plan called waiver of premium , what these means to you is that if you 're off ill for a long period of time , through accident , ill-health , whatever , Abbey will actually still pay them for you , until you 're well again .
11 And there was seven people that went for it and only six could do it and , I was n't gon na do it and what happened right , my name does n't , was n't picked out and er , there was this one boy , right that right , this boy called Gavin and he was n't there today .
12 ‘ The goods which form the subject of a contract of sale may be either existing goods , owned or possessed by the seller , or goods to be manufactured or acquired by him after the making of the contract of sale , in this Act called ‘ future goods . ’ ’
13 Phyllisia had seen this girl called Marian , she wanted to be her friend because she was perfect and her father would have been impressed , but when she approached her , Marian snubbed Phyllisia .
14 I saw this gay with this girl called Christine down in erm Courtney Park , yeah ?
15 This girl called saying about me ?
16 And then there 's this girl called Susie , saying to her , she 's getting all her clothes off and all that .
17 This pact called for the rival forces , confronting each other in the south of the city , to pull back and allow a neutral force under the control of the interim government to establish a buffer zone .
18 And this bloke called Haigh that sent his clothes in to the model-maker so 's they would n't have the trouble of faking them .
19 We went to see this bloke called Tom he was n't there , he was erm
20 Do you know this bloke called Tom ?
21 Well it , it shows come on I 'm gon na hit the brake , he 's got a chuffing accelerator pedal , a clutch and a bloody brake pedal there and he 's banging like this and it 's brake 's not working prop it 's , it 's funny , but there was a bloody tent there as well er where the Charlie Sheen is like an indian , and he 's in this tent and this bloke calls to thingybob and he presses this bloody doorbell on it on this tent , it 's funny , I tell you it is funny when you wa er when you actually watch it .
22 ‘ Therefore this council calls upon the Government to re-think urgently those proposals for change in the method of funding pharmacists . ’
23 ‘ We had this overseer called Birch , ’ began Thacker .
24 Kuhn 's direction has accuracy and breadth on its side , and also just speeds , but something of the incandescence this score calls for is missing .
25 This conference called for the unity of Palestine and Transjordan , and declared Abdallah king of all Palestine .
26 This conference calls upon the ‘ Is West Belfast Working ? ’
27 This conference calls upon the ‘ Is West Belfast Working ? ’
28 For a laugh with erm Sally , this lad called Ben , one of Sally 's pals from Sweden
29 So I was looking around the Beckenham and Bromley area when I found this place called Haddon Hall which was an amazing property .
30 This place called up at war 's behest
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