Example sentences of "are the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Klusons are the prettiest machineheads Fender ever used , so that 's what we 've got .
2 The profit and loss statement , and the viability of one 's company , are the clearest possible indication of the success of one 's efforts .
3 ‘ They are the clearest portraits of our repressions . ’
4 Here n∼ and n∼ are the refractive indices of solvent and solution respectively , and N is the number of polymer molecules .
5 It is defined as where n∼ and n∼ o are the refractive indices of the solution and the solvent and c is the concentration .
6 If each winding has N turns then , in the absence of magnetic saturation , the pole flux is proportional to the difference in winding currents : where L and M are the winding self and mutual inductances , which have equal magnitude k .
7 For example , they ask what are the strategic implications to the total company of various competitive actions .
8 In this context knowledge and information are the strategic resource , the transforming agent behind innovations in the management and organization of the economy .
9 More fundamental is the fact that evolutionary game theory is based on a well-defined dynamics — the evolution of the population — and the ‘ solutions ’ of the game are the stable stationary points of the dynamics .
10 However , if you are the proud parent of more valuable Koi fry , where is the cut-off point for outdoor survival ?
11 I used to think : These are the deepest feelings I shall ever experience ; this is the closest we shall ever approach .
12 Although the flowers are only 1 inch ( 2.5cm ) across , there are lots of them , and they are the deepest , purest yellow .
13 Fractions are the deepest internal division of a class , where incompatible material interests show up in separate political organization .
14 To hit all my bad shots down the side of the fairways where the lines of spectators are the deepest .
15 ‘ Pensioners are the forgotten people , ’ said Tom .
16 Both groups need very special care — yet so often they are the forgotten people in our community .
17 Both groups need very special care — yet so often they are the forgotten people in our community .
18 Prisoners ' wives are the forgotten victims of crime .
19 The feeling of helplessness must be so overpowering as young one , as one young man told me , we are the forgotten ones .
20 A special working party , which drew up the proposals , wrote to Housing Minister Sir George Young : ‘ Around us , Wirral is being improved dramatically under the City Challenge and Merseyside Development Corporation 's programmes but we are the forgotten people . ’
21 By far the most common and distinctive type , however , are the Romano-Celtic temples of square , circular and octagonal plan .
22 The databases these packages sport are the simple flat-file kind , with none of the relational gizmos found in Access or Paradox for Windows .
23 Neither for them nor for their music are the simple categories of ‘ mass ’ or ‘ individual ’ appropriate .
24 We therefore , sir , have before us today to consider these two sites , D thirty nine and D forty , in the context of the relevant and duly-made objections that have been made , and they are the simple question is , should these sites be in the within the greenbelt or within the inset .
25 There are more living arthropod species than all other phyla combined ; if diversity is a measure of success then the arthropods are the easy winners .
26 The enemies ' questions are the easy ones , though the answers will not go down too well .
27 The things you ca n't avoid are the easy part . ’
28 The point is that SRC 's customers are the individual businesses in Specialties and other parts of the ICI group , and they can take their work elsewhere .
29 And of course there are the individual philanthropists .
30 There 's no fixed legal rule laying down how much she 's entitled to ; what counts are the individual circumstances .
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