Example sentences of "are [not/n't] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But Merlins are not infrequently recorded along the Downs and are seen very occasionally further inland .
2 If the pharmaceutical industry is really concerned about the economics of health care they would be better to curb the profits that they make through drugs sold to the NHS for which the charges are not infrequently excessive .
3 Black students , for example , are not infrequently humiliated with jokes .
4 It is often given solo passages to play , and its tone is so intrinsically striking that entirely unaccompanied phrases are not infrequently allotted to it .
5 Even the presence of a substantial Korean minority has done little to weaken a sense of identity whose strength is indicated by the virtual denial of Japanese nationality to those who are not racially Japanese .
6 Although I believe they are improved as a class , many of them are rough diamonds ; at times they are light-fingered , they are not invariably sober , their education leaves much to be desired and it is impossible to allow them the run of the works after closing hours .
7 Again , as all viewers of the BBC 's television comedy Yes , Minister are aware , the state bureaucracies and their members have their own organizational and personal interests to pursue which are often at variance with those of their supposed political masters , which in turn are not invariably identical with those of the electorate or of any coalition of interest groups .
8 Besides , sample results are not instantly available , but take at least two or three weeks , sometimes longer , to come through from the agency 's laboratories .
9 The BBC Research Department have built FM receivers with ferrite-rod antennas , and published reports on them , but the fact that such receivers are not commercially available , strongly suggest that any technical advantages ( if any ) do not justify the extra cost .
10 One of the things that those of us who were involved in local government campaigns were trying to do was to achieve some measure of redistribution in favour of all those lesbians and gays who do not belong to the charmed circles of The Swimming Pool Library — people who have no private income ; people who depend on their jobs and would welcome job security ; people who want council tenancies free of harassment , with friends and lovers of their choice ; people who want to meet others at venues which have disabled access , which are not commercially exploitative and which are run for the benefit of the community ; people who want to display affection or consensual desire publicly without fear of violence or arrest ; people who want to bring up children without intimidation from the courts or social workers ; people who have survived the indoctrination of the education system but do not want to see the next generation of lesbians and gays subjected to the same process ; people who wanted themselves and their lifestyles to be treated with respect by the health services .
11 The work is presently in operation to the Opera House side of the harbour basin , near Bennelong Point , which means that the standard photographs in daylight — across the water from the tourists boats , or from the bridge walkway at Campell 's Cove , are not commercially viable .
12 The work is presently in operation to the Opera House side of the harbour basin , near Bennelong Point , which means that the standard photographs in daylight — across the water from the tourist boats , or from the bridge walkway at Campell 's Cove , are not commercially viable .
13 But they are not automatically right about everything .
14 Enthusiasts however , may have to be gently discouraged from making too many demands on your time and that when you ask a question you are not automatically expecting any action .
15 This is not to deny that random changes are not automatically beneficial , but the direction towards improvement comes from natural selection ; i.e. from genetic changes that were an aid to survival .
16 The history of the British car industry ( refer to Chapter 4 ) , which has seen a whole series of mergers , is one example which shows that the potential benefits of mergers are not automatically secured .
17 ( ‘ Means-tested ’ benefits are benefits which are not automatically given , but which are dependent on the recipient 's income or wealth , ie his ‘ means ’ . )
18 Groups of women working or socializing together are not automatically separatist .
19 They are not automatically exempt from criticism and occasional ridicule , however .
20 ( wages for housework ) would take us further away from a society in which childcare was integrated with the rest of life , and in which women are not automatically banished from all decision making about how our lives are run …
21 In our discussion in Chapter 1 about economy , efficiency and effectiveness , the technical problem was how we can meaningfully compare inputs and outputs to produce a measure of efficiency when outputs are not automatically valued by the market price .
22 First , on a point of detail , people are not automatically entitled to six months ' social security .
23 I now know that they are not automatically exempt from prescription charges , and I draw my hon. Friend the Minister 's attention to the recommendation of the Parkinson 's Disease Society of the United Kingdom , which I support , that sufferers should be exempt from prescription charges .
24 Qualifications obtained some years previously are not automatically acceptable , and applicants are strongly advised to seek advice from the relevant faculty office before applying .
25 When modules are entered into LIFESPAN , they are not automatically deleted from the user 's account .
26 However , this is followed in Article 92(3) by a further list of aids which may be , but which are not automatically , considered to be compatible with the common market , and could therefore be granted discretionary exemption from the general proscription .
27 The Association blames the fact that incinerators are not automatically checked by the Pollution Inspectorate or local environmental health officers .
28 Others are entitled to be notified of the date , time and place of the first hearing or directions appointment but are not automatically parties .
29 ‘ We are not automatically recognised in the market-place as innovative and technically oriented , and this belies our actual achievements , ’ he says .
30 ‘ He and I are always spending time together but we are not romantically inclined , ’ she said .
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