Example sentences of "are [v-ing] down " in BNC.

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1 How can he justify a cost per job in the strategic deterrent of £352,000 in a world in which the major powers are building down and renouncing weapons but he is building up ?
2 Walls are tumbling down .
3 ‘ The Klans are toning down the rhetoric to make themselves more palatable to Americans .
4 Thames valley police are cracking down on bad driving .
5 If you are walking down into the centre along Avenida do Infante , after the Savoy Hotel you pass the modern Casino Park Hotel and , behind it , the new Casino .
6 ‘ The mechanics are stripping down my engine and I need to be there . ’
7 But with a , it 's just that er if you have er in the wrong place it 'll look a bit untidy with the other things coming up when the bulbs are dying down .
8 Ranchers are tearing down the rainforests to make hamburgers .
9 ‘ You are a right dickhead — ’ I broke it to him gently — ‘ if you think we are driving down to Brixton in that . ’
10 Swap too soon and the program takes over and performs some miracle that pulls the ass of the Despot you just abandoned out of the fire and next thing you know the secret police are banging down the doors and hauling you and your family off into the night and oblivion ; the machine thereupon promptly declares itself the winner and it 's back to that fucking cave again .
11 The main disadvantage of this arrangement is that the cameras are looking down on those speaking from the front-benches , and , unless they take care to keep their heads up , the tops of their heads rather than their faces are exposed on the screen .
12 The gardens outside my window are bowing down to the heat of the afternoon , but my mind is racing in this stillness , like a dust devil on the apparently windless plains .
13 A brief view of the illuminated Savoy and there she is , the mother of parliaments , dwarfed by the skyline but still historic Westminster , and Big Ben is greeting us with seven clear chimes and the tears are pouring down my face .
14 Skills such as note-taking come in at this stage , and one way of approaching this is to use the questions originally formulated as a structure for notes taken , so that children are noting down things they need to know , rather than every conceivably useful point .
15 That will provide the firm evidence that the British economy is turning up — just when most others are turning down .
16 All over Central Scotland , men are pulling down the blinds .
17 A sneaky scramble or climb on Laddow Rocks and you are heading down the eroded Pennine Way track to Crowden and the Longdendale Reservoirs , with the sombre northern slopes of Bleaklow frowning over them .
18 SIX of Barlaston 's best are heading down Wembley Way aiming to bring home a national aerobics competition .
19 We are going down towards the forest and the Arctic night is awesome .
20 More designers are going down the locking tuner route and it 's something which I personally welcome ; it does away with that lumpiness at the nut end of the fingerboard and offers up a more traditional look into the bargain .
21 When Cousteau comes back with the divers and equipment , Van Gelder and I are going down with them to have a look at this plane .
22 always spread a and I I was listening to or or during a programme and it said er , we 're always told how firms are going down the shoot !
23 I heard , ‘ Well , the pennies are going down 9 , 8 , 7 so the next will be 6 .
24 You you 're sort of just stopping and starting , stopping and starting as the others are going down .
25 Er , I should like to the names next month and I hope you 'll all support us because the numbers are going down and if we do n't get sufficient numbers , it 'll have to cancelled like the Torbay one .
26 And then Grainne said , ‘ It feels as if we are going down into some terrible prison , ’ and Raynor said , ‘ Yes , it is a prison .
27 ‘ Dad 's coming over here and he and Mum are going down to Cornwall .
28 Does my hon. Friend agree that , whether the Opposition like it or not , waiting lists are going down ?
29 For the first time in many years the statistics are going down .
30 The Opposition pooh-pooh the matter and the right hon. Member for Sparkbrook says that it is not really a problem and that the numbers are going down .
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