Example sentences of "are [adj] they " in BNC.

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1 If conditions are right they crystallize out of solution again downstream , forming clays .
2 If investors get in now while the markets are low they could do well .
3 When profits are low they will be reduced or ‘ passed ’ .
4 When profits are low they will be reduced or ‘ passed ’ .
5 Stephanie Moore said yesterday : ‘ We appreciate the good wishes of all our friends inside and outside football , and are grateful they respected the family 's wish for a private funeral . ’
6 Locals are grateful they made the airfield but scared over future flights .
7 Although finite state grammars are weak they have been used in computational systems .
8 Once you are asleep they then inject the muscle relaxant , put an endro-t tracheal airway into your throat , connect you up to the anaesthetic machine and get the life-support machine breathing for you .
9 Most of them are tall they do n't wear , they do n't wear high heels , they wear flats , flat shoes .
10 Where the cliffs are high they may be undercut by the sea with the result that most of the material may be removed by the subsequent collapse of the upper undermined section .
11 And they while they reckon condoms , by far the most popular form of contraception for teenagers , are sensible they are victims of their own self-consciousness because they are too afraid to buy them .
12 Fish are pretty tough and if anglers are careful they suffer very little damage .
13 They too are afraid they too are momentary
14 They are direct they 're clear they 're simple and most importantly they are words of one syllable .
15 And why I mention that is that the purpose of these people coming they are commercial they are coming here on a commercial basis .
16 Misumenops nepenthicola , a spider , lives there and captures flies ; if these are distasteful they are ( sometimes ) thrown back into the pitcher ; if disturbed , the spider goes down into the liquid on a thread , its armour and a bubble of air making it immune to the digestive juices there .
17 If there are tendencies that are different they relate to reduced inter-firm mobility for men between the ages of 25 and 45 , and the opportunity for some blue collar workers to experience wage profiles that arc in the West generally confined to white collar professions .
18 you know , but things are different they say , now .
19 Microsoft Corp says it plans to lead a campaign against growing software piracy in Japan 's personal computer industry , opening it with a letter to 50 hardware manufacturers and 290 software vendors in Japan alerting them to the problem — the Japanese are generally law-abiding , but Microsoft suspects many are unaware they are doing anything wrong copying software .
20 The highest type of firework last year if it was specified was the sparkler remarkably enough and we would make this point very seriously that parents tend to give children sm very small children sparklers and they must remember tha that these things are fireworks they are dangerous they do get red hot er they must supervise them at all times when they give them sparklers cos they may wave them around they may se set somebody else 's clothing on fire with them they may get the sparks in their eyes if they get too close to them er and one particular danger of course is that they they may get hold of en the hot end when the firework has finally extinguished and they think it 's all finished with .
21 Blessed are those whose hearts are pure they will see God .
22 If the surrounds of the doors are rotten they 're gon na
23 Australia 's M6 which runs the 2000 miles from Darwin to Adelaide … the rules are simple they drive from eight in the morning until five at night … the sun racers will make it in four to five days topping speeds of seventy miles an hour … the adventurers … thast includes Solar Flair have given themselves two weeks
24 To this day many are convinced they were kept in separate dining rooms .
25 The car is generally occupied by an idiot or two gazing strictly ahead either with expressions that lead you to think that they are convinced they are doing everyone else a favour , or that they are only sitting down because they have insufficient brain to walk and chew gum at the same time .
26 His senior aides are convinced they can speed up the Maastricht ratification process to meet the new deadline .
27 Anyone who complains that they are convinced they programmed their machine correctly but it wo n't read , should try this solution too , as static electricity can cause computer chips to misread instructions and if it 's bad enough , static electricity can destroy data held on disc .
28 Against that , many of the pile-'em-high-and-sell-'em-cheap stores that took advantage of falling property prices to expand in Britain are convinced they can grow at the expense of existing supermarket chains even when good times return .
29 I make this declaration because one of my aims in this discussion is to show that we do not need to share other people 's beliefs in order to understand them sympathetically : we can see the sense in beliefs even when we are convinced they are based upon false premisses .
30 ‘ Whatever you think , Dutch Intelligence are convinced they 'll try , and we do n't want to be caught with our trousers down like we were by the Nazis . ’
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