Example sentences of "are [prep] all " in BNC.

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1 People say that Lee is either precious or lazy ( make up yer minds , f—wits ! ) , but it 's become manifest that these songs are worth all the tons of grief and introspection and the endless re-tuning .
2 His principle is to maintain the gardens and grounds as they are for all the residents , so that from outside it is not apparent that the building has been divided up .
3 The percentages shown are for all Cambridge University/WEA Tutorial Classes which included some arranged beyond the Eastern District , e.g. Nuneaton and Rugby .
4 Everyone is the same in the eyes of God , and his love , mercy and forgiveness are for all .
5 ‘ You must show cookie here how grateful you are for all the trouble she 's taken . ’
6 In the common case where the act or neglect of the defendant and the injury to the plaintiff are for all practical purposes contemporaneous , the duty attaches to the defendant and is breached when the act or neglect occurs . …
7 A closer look at the DoNH budget reveals extraordinary disparities ; including the fact that they will , by 1995–96 , be giving more than 10 times as much to each of several central London museums than they are for all the national activities and programmes of the English Tourist Board .
8 But I imagine this often happens — people are for all practical purposes sane as far as the analyst 's door and become mad as they stretch themselves out and explain their sanity .
9 The oldest stories in Indian mythology are after all love stories , accounts of the relationships of lovers , and specifically of married couples .
10 Though many bankers forget it , control of non-interest expenses is the most vital of the quartet — cost-savings are after all one of the prime motives for mergers .
11 This would seed to be borne out by Gandhi 's remark : ‘ I would say ‘ means are after all everything' ’ .
12 We are after all representing you , the British ; we are your team .
13 It may of course turn out that there are after all good independent reasons for respecting the intuitive judgements which come from long experience .
14 There are after all occasions when words do very well on their own .
15 The first version suggests that women can gain authority by using men 's linguistic strategies , while the second is more sceptical about this ; linguistic strategies are after all chosen within particular social contexts and relations .
16 Legitimate drug rackets are after all not only lucrative — there 's gold in them there pills ( Klass 1975 ) — but they also provide the occasion for seeing oneself — if you are involved in them — as sharper , shrewder , and more powerful than those ending up the wrong side of the law .
17 Leopards are after all quite as at home in the treetops as they are and on occasion are partial to monkey .
18 Furthermore , to the extent that a tendency has developed to disbelieve policemen , who are after all officers of the law , it marks a serious deterioration in the quality of the administration of justice .
19 We 're trying to look to the gaps , and I wonder if we are , as you suggest in the comments that you 've received perhaps losing , we 're not perhaps sufficiently direct in addressing the parish organizations which are after all the core of a parish .
20 County Council 's encouraged by the fact that the introduction Policy E two is supported by all the North Yorkshire Districts and they are after all at the sharp end of implementing structure policy .
21 Erm we 've feel we 've gone as far as it 's practical to go to meet erm what are after all the genuine needs of genuine needs of our own population .
22 These bodies My Lords are after all precepting authorities and I think it crucial that those who 've been elected by their local communities should be in a clear majority and I sympathise very much with the er proposition in this regard , set out in the Noble Lord , Lord 's Amendment number twenty-one .
23 We are after all teaching these children to count
24 The policy of this council over the last couple of years has been to get down to that figure enforced upon us as gracefully as possible with the least damage to our services and the least damage to the morale of our staff and our staff are after all the most important asset that a local authority possesses and that is what we 're trying to consider .
25 The jewels of men are geometrical , but the jewels of the sea are of all shapes and they are jewels of a subtler quality of thought .
26 The Crime Survey is a victimisation study and its main conclusion is one that has been noted , in a less systematic way , many times before : working-class crime is a problem , and it is a problem for the working class , since they are its principal victims , as they are of all types of crime :
27 Palestrina 's more than a hundred Masses are of all the familiar types : Masses like ‘ Aeterna Christi munera ’ , based on the plainsong Matins hymn , ‘ parodies ’ like ‘ Assumpta est Maria ’ based on his own six-part motet , freely composed ones like the Missa Papae Marcelli and Missa brevis , to mention only a few supremely fine examples .
28 The percentages are of all households in each ethnic group with dependent children under the age of 19 .
29 In effect , you are like all those in the lifeboat — cosy , complacent and unwilling to give up their privileged position .
30 Some teachers and psychologists are against all study which makes language , in Cazden 's term , ‘ opaque ’ ( Cazden , 1974 ) .
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