Example sentences of "are [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This type of long-netting is inevitably carried out in broad daylight , and the rabbits will be much more aware of the net than they are during darkness .
2 Heron 's properties are worth £1.3 billion and Mr Ronson warned that it will take until 1999 to sell a sufficient stake to repay debt .
3 He claims the shares are worth $125 , though how he chose this number is a mystery .
4 that only knowledge or skills ( such as language skills ) of national relevance are worth testing ;
5 Hypotheses which are worth testing can only be developed in areas about which a good deal is known , i.e. where a great deal of empirical field data has already been collected .
6 The current orders outstanding are worth £540 million .
7 One of the main jobs of the unit is to advise branch managers about technical projects that are worth backing .
8 Some incidents at local level are worth recording .
9 The programmes of two Soirees are worth recording ; the one in October 1865 started with a Public Tea at 6 o'clock precisely and was followed by the Chairmans 's Address Duet T is the hour for music Mrs Baker & Miss Russell Song Scenes of Home Mr. Bate Address — Rev.J.McFadyen Song Auld Robin Gray Miss Russell Duet What are the Wild Waves Saying Mr Bate & Mrs Baker Address — Capt.J.C .
10 The posts may not necessarily be particularly lucrative ( regius professorships are worth £100 a year , religiously paid in quarterly £25 cheques ) , but they are at some of the pinnacles of national life , they open doors and they command respect .
11 Rexel Derwent 's Graphite Sketching Pencils are worth look at too .
12 This definition includes a number of assumptions that are worth expansion .
13 Private collections are examples of critical judgement in action , so that both their catalogues and the opinions expressed by collectors are worth consideration .
14 In a similar way we sometimes need to remind ourselves that young readers have ideas that are worth consideration , and that the administratively-convenient solution to a problem may not be the most valuable one .
15 Although you could re-use the tape for another recording , you may decide to keep it : it 's surprising how even the most unambitious personal video recordings often contain scenes , or just brief moments , which are worth preserving .
16 But we must also , where possible , build into plans for the future those values that are worth preserving .
17 Is the Prime Minister aware that 500,000 cashmere jerseys are worth £75 million to textile communities such as my own in the central borders in Scotland ?
18 Yet the gains from liberalising trade in services alone are worth $600 billion a year .
19 A few general points are worth highlighting .
20 With regard to the welfare sector , four developments are worth highlighting .
21 But there are anyway other anecdotes which for what they are worth trace the origin of political professionalism to dates earlier than Kleon : a Byzantine lexicon called the Suda , for instance , makes Pericles the first to take a written speech into court , while for Aristotle ( Cic .
22 All the deeper holes are worth investigation and if you fish them with flake on a quiver you could well get roach or chub as well .
23 Several features of its history are worth notice .
24 The analysis of such models under rational expectations is too complicated to discuss here , but the main implications of the Neary and Stiglitz model are worth sketching .
25 His words about kissing are worth hearing .
26 Nevertheless , at the moment Tatra 's shares are worth zilch .
27 Let us say it is worth 60% of Newco. ( 2 ) Newco is worth £1,000 ( ignoring discounts inherent in the cost of unlocking the value of Target from Newco ) so management 's shares in Newco are worth £600 .
28 The facts in this case , GJ Dawson ( Clapham ) Ltd v H and G Dutfield [ 1936 ] 2 All ER 232 , are worth elaboration .
29 But until a majority of Germans , and not just their chancellor , decide how far Europe 's interests are worth defending , the Bundeswehr will be hobbled .
30 There are , however , many other useful little tricks that are worth learning .
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