Example sentences of "not [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Now that might not be such a bad thing .
2 Perhaps resting there would not be such a bad thing for a week or two longer ?
3 But that may not be such a bad thing , says Ian Marshall .
4 While programmers have not been able to do that the results they have achieved suggest that this may not be such a good idea .
5 Bukharin was warning that there should not be such a fundamental revision of policies as would mean a return to the arbitrary and commandist methods of ‘ war communism ’ , This meant that , for Bukharin , industrialisation should proceed within the established framework .
6 If you have to rely solely on public transport then the rural life may not be such a good idea , unless everything that you have to be near is within your area .
7 Returning now to the context of a church planting team , it will not be such national pronouncements that are being sought : rather it is the expression of words from God that build up the individuals listening .
8 If Jimmy Shine were so loveable and bright , he could not be such an ecumenical failure at everything from school to girls , from New York to San Francisco , from painting to living .
9 Looked at from this angle , the mystery may not be such a mystery after all .
10 A member of our research team will show a tape of one of the programmes and hopefully that will persuade whoever it may be that it might not be such a bad thing to appear on it .
11 If your partner is opposed to condoms , uncooperative or not interested , sexual intercourse may not be such a good idea .
12 This nature presumably explains the truth that if a is a causal circumstance or cause of b , then b can not be such of a .
13 But the imbalance grows on you , even if structurally it may not be such a good idea , since some very squat buttresses on the left-hand or north wall had to be built on during a partial restoration of the building in the last century .
14 And he did n't take much interest in my mother either and that put enough emotional pressure on her to maybe no , not be such a good mother as she might otherwise have been .
15 But I come from Tobermory , a Scottish island village where it would not be such a craven blunder .
16 You can not be such a pessimist .
17 If he said ‘ Good morning , men ! ’ as he passed by then it might not be such a bad day .
18 However , such a mental exercise may be found to be of more benefit to him than could any rules , and as such may not be such a bad thing .
19 I was up ‘ til midnight making the gekhakte chicken liver and roasting the turkey for the sandwiches and doing the potato salad , so you 'd better not give me any nonsense about your latest low-fat diet , Rebecca , or you either , Rainbow , though a little slimming routine might not be such a bad thing for you , except today 's a special occasion , so just tuck in .
20 Does the Minister agree that there should not be such a gallery and that our collections should be dispersed throughout the whole of Scotland ?
21 On second thoughts , it might not be such a bad idea , if only for a different reason .
22 Obviously the housing requirements should not be such as to generate harm to environmental interests .
23 It might not be such a bad thing — if we can get decent cover for Beeney at a cheap price , we should still be able to get a decent fee for Lukic .
24 Now only if I knew Jamie Forrester tickets may not be such a problem at times …
25 This man , with his town-bred ignorance , combined with his native shrewdness and suspicion , would not be such an easy person to work for .
26 As a matter of general law , apart from the statutory provisions and the Law Society 's regulations , the firm 's name must not be such as to deceive the general public into believing that it is dealing with some rival firm .
27 10.4 Any design or instruction furnished or given by the Purchaser shall not be such as will cause the Seller to infringe any intellectual property rights .
28 The reaction from Ulster Unionists has been an almost automatic rejection , but Downing Street has been keen to point out that Foley has been vocal in his criticism of the IRA and his appointment might not be such a bad move .
29 There can not be many who would say the same of Tyson .
30 In the harsher 1990s there will not be many corks popping at companies that fail to :
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