Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That has not stopped other European countries ( such as France ) from installing regulators that resemble the SEC more than the SIB .
2 In the run-up to the country 's first multiparty elections for 43 years , scheduled for March 25 , the ruling Hungarian Socialist Party ( HSP ) was shaken by revelations during January that the Interior Ministry 's security police had not stopped covert surveillance of the activities of opposition politicians , despite the enactment during the past 12 months of laws and constitutional amendments creating a multiparty system [ see pp. 36399 ; 36960-61 ] .
3 The SEC in the US has not stopped corporate scandals , but it keeps an army of lawyers busy .
4 Mighty Mogul only broke his duck at Towcester in January , but has not stopped improving and has now won five times from five starts following a close-season transfer from Jenny Pitman 's yard .
5 However the representatives of NEC and Fujitsu reserved comment , saying that they had not received official notice of their position and that they looked to the future to reveal this .
6 But the precise meaning of section 1(1) has not received serious judicial attention before .
7 Had he not received immediate hospital treatment he would have died , ’ said the judge , at Norwich Crown Court .
8 First Edition ( AP ) — The World Health Organisation said Bulgaria 's ethnic Turks have not received equal access to or equal use of the public health system
9 Plea that the note was given to secure the loan ; that , subsequent to the loan and the giving of the note , the defendant had complained to John Bluett that he had not received equal favourable treatment with John Bluett 's other children ; that John Bluett had conceded the truth of these complaints and agreed with the defendant that , in consideration that the defendant should cease his complaints and also out of his natural love and affection for the defendant , he would discharge the defendant from all liability in respect of the loan and the note .
10 They had not received antimalarial treatment within the preceding 7 days and were 4–14 years old .
11 If you believe that you have not received proper service , the Bank will do all it can to investigate your complaint objectively .
12 The police had not received proper support from Labour Ministers , leading to poor pay and loss of experienced manpower .
13 I am delighted that my hon. Friend the Member for Bedfordshire , South-West ( Mr. Madel ) mentioned an important issue which has not received satisfactory answers in Committee , nor is likely to , in what will remain of the Report stage after the guillotine .
14 Finally , one area which has not received full justice in our coverage is the extensive empirical tradition of examining industries case by case to develop views on efficiency .
15 Such views have not received widespread acceptance , however , and as time goes by the chances of a reinstatement of some form of gold standard look more and more remote .
16 Of the patients surveyed , 501 had received advice on contraceptives from a general practitioner and 102 from a community family planning clinic , and 163 had not received medical advice ( no information was available from three patients ) .
17 Bruce Palmer , a partner , said he had helped Mr Tancock set up Global Finance earlier this year , but had not received independent confirmation of what the company did .
18 * Evidence is growing that BSE may be transmitted through the generations , after a third cow which has not received contaminated feed has been placed under a restriction order on the grounds of suspected infection .
19 A somewhat more complex issue that has not received adequate attention in Britain is the meaning of the word ‘ profit ’ in the context of trusts , and some of the ideas being discussed resemble the strategies that have caused the Internal Revenue Service to question the tax exempt status of some American not for profit hospitals .
20 The relationship between the socio-economic character of a local authority ( L.A. ) and its expenditure on education is a crucial issue but it has not received adequate research attention .
21 It is probably because an episode of acute constipation had not received adequate treatment .
22 By contrast , LIFFE has not received comparable backing , either moral or financial , from UK banks or the UK government .
23 Bodies such as Links and the Spastic Society which produce quite a substantial report at the last election to illustrate what the problems were then there will be established designated polling stations in which there will be various characteristics required such as wheelchair access , unaided wheelchair access , although the problem of accessibility is for more people than those people who are in wheelchairs and many people who are not registered disabled and are mainly old and infirm , should have the opportunity to exercise their franchise readily and easily .
24 If there is a muddle , it is because the end of the cold war has not stripped western countries of their other interests in Africa , notably economic ones .
25 There can be little doubt that if the Prussians had not diverted social and economic pressure into anti-Semitic and anti-Polish fears along the eastern borders , the pressures of industrialisation , democracy and socialist thought would have clashed with the government 's determination to support the Junkers and with the Junkers ' manipulation of Völkisch opinion .
26 Section 47 of the Education ( No. 2 ) Act 1986 has not criminalised corporal punishment by a teacher ( although in some cases striking a pupil excessively was and still is an offence ) .
27 Among several other flaws in Anselm 's election and investiture , there was one which neither Anselm nor anyone else mentioned at the time , but was later to be held against him by the papal legate : on a strict view , his election -in addition to all its other legal defects — had been schismatic , since the king and all the others who took part , with the sole exception of Anselm himself , were schismatics , for they had not recognized Urban II as the legitimate pope although he had now been pope for five years .
28 They 'd not favoured local women for security reasons .
29 The church has a strong hold on education , the clergy command great respect from the population and the church leaders , like other Colombian elites , have not favoured social change .
30 Due to its short running time , overall details of aircraft and events are not given great depth , but to the collector of archive aviation films this tape will be a welcome addition to the home library .
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