Example sentences of "not [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 Now he strode out not apprehensive that he might have lost contact with that gift of powerful calm which had so effectively stilled the thresh of his emotions , but confident that as soon as he reached the Point and stood as and where he had first stopped — the experience would be renewed and reinforced , the key would fit the lock .
2 Secondly , although it is understandable that the external leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organisation may be excluded at the moment , it is not understandable that the Palestinian leaders in Jerusalem should be excluded from the process .
3 Writing when he did , and as he did , to justify an actual rebellion , it is perhaps not strange that he was thinking primarily of politics rather than of law , that the ‘ rights ’ he had in mind were the rights of man rather than the rights of the citizen , or that the sanction for these rights should be extralegal action rather than any constitutional check .
4 Is it not strange that , while foreign companies invest in this country , British companies which are aware of the position here have invested £40 billion more overseas than the foreigners have invested here ?
5 If this is so , is it not strange that already 2% of physicians carrying out LAWER did not consult anyone ?
6 Even the king was not sorry that Priestley was ‘ the sufferer for the doctrines he and his party have instilled ’ .
7 DEFIANT Fergie is NOT sorry that she was pictured in topless romps with Texan John Bryan , her mother revealed last night .
8 We are not sorry that it failed and that , accordingly , Chapter 9 breaks into dialogue .
9 He said that he was not sorry that she had left .
10 we had the ch young children then so that erm all in all I am not sorry that things turned out as they did because erm as luck would have it , you know ,
11 And I 'm not sorry that I did that because erm I would n't like I would n't have like to think that er anything I 'd done had escalated the situation you know .
12 Looking back on it now , I am not sorry that I went .
13 Unlike the Minister , I am not sorry that I was not on the Committee ; I am pleased that I missed it .
14 It is not accidental that the assertion of ‘ the rights of man ’ has been characteristic of revolutionary regimes which aspired to interfere with and overturn the systems of law and society of their neighbours ; and there could be no more striking evidence of the antagonism of Soviet Russia to Trotskyism than that ‘ human rights ’ have to be forced down its throat at Helsinki or Belgrade like spoonfuls of brimstone .
15 It is not accidental that Japanese manufacturers have become eager converts to robots and automation .
16 It was not accidental that the report of the committee later included the remark , ‘ It is difficult to see what private or public purpose is served by the exaction of untrue confessions , and it is a danger to be constantly guarded against . ’
17 It was perhaps not accidental that the deputy political manager for the Earl of Ilay , Lord Milton , was the Lord Justice Clerk , for between them the head of the Justiciary Court and the crown law officers controlled the criminal justice system .
18 This theme , the ties between city and colony , and the ways they were reinforced , weakened or broken in the great war , is important to Thucydides , and it is not accidental that it occurs thus early .
19 It is probably not accidental that the most famous and widely discussed paranoiac of modern psychiatric literature , Schreber , had a father who seems to have approximated rather closely to the divine monarchs of earlier times and certainly practised a regime of child-rearing which was notable not only for its authoritarianism but also for its central concern for the welfare of the child , who was to be protected from harmful influences , bad habits and incorrect posture by rigidly enforced and total parental control , which even included applying iron and leather braces and restraints to the child 's body .
20 But it hardly supports the conclusion which , without further ado , Berkeley draws from it : that it is not possible that sensible things ‘ should have any existence out of the minds or thinking things which perceive them ’ .
21 Even if this outcome had not occurred , and by some miracle the world economy had continued to grow after 1918 , it is not possible that States would merely have accommodated to the requirements of growing world trade .
22 Is it not possible that these few exceptional individuals are , in fact , the normal ones and the rest of us have somewhere deviated from this path of health ?
23 In Hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 we read ‘ it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ’ ( referring to the Old Testament sacrifices ) but in verse 12 we read ‘ But this man , after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever , sat down on the right hand of God . ’
24 Is it not possible that French influence can be made to be felt once more ?
25 It had just been decided that it was not possible that the coffin in a horizontal position could be manoeuvred around the many angles of doors and walls between there and the front door .
26 But all literary conventions have their origin in life ; is it not possible that the wild men were psychotics driven out of towns and settlements by a society unable to cope with them ?
27 Now , is it not possible that it is this rule which is the explanation of our referring to the feelings produced in our bodies by prolonged contact with hot or cold objects , as ‘ hot ’ and ‘ cold ’ ?
28 Is it not possible that we apprehend them as feelings of hotness and coldness because the feelings are usually of one sort when our bodies are hot , and of another sort when our bodies are cold ?
29 ‘ Is it not possible that you are too much under the influence of Washington which is not even the New York atmosphere ? ’
30 The differences between them and their mainland cousins were only small , but if such changes had taken place , was it not possible that over many millions of years , the cumulative effects on a dynasty of animals could be so great that they could bring about major transformations ?
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