Example sentences of "this i think " in BNC.

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1 The first time I saw this I thought ‘ Oh God , not another Socratic dialogue ’ but I was impressed on reading it .
2 So this I thought about doing something on the erm , the new schools ' group what we when we finish the .
3 When I first found this I thought , Oh , it 's a sort of truck , well , well , and then I walked up here and I found it was a truck with — ’
4 Well I you see when I saw this I thought it was , was quite big holes
5 make do with this I thought , and then he 's and I did did n't I ? he 'd gone along and
6 But then it was this I thought any minute it 's gon na be Somewhere over the Rainbow .
7 think it was this I thought it was the small
8 So , it was , it was , I , a as soon as I knew I 'd be teaching this I thought the only way
9 But he always treats the Fascism and the anti-Semitism as two separate heads on the bill of indictment ; and this I think ( again 1 speak for myself ) is what most of us stopped doing long ago .
10 Her happy hunting-ground for the grotesque was among the ‘ non-U ’ , and in this I think her researches anticipated those of Nancy Mitford and Professor Ross .
11 They hope the running costs will be covered by the entries and the sales of catalogues etc , but this I think depends on how many visitors we get .
12 This I think is bad teaching and interference which is quite inexcusable .
13 Most full-blooded painters would agree with this I think ! ) ’
14 You were right in saying that there was very bad press given to hormone replacement therapy in in the early days when they used very high doses of of er un er , of normal oestrogens and this caused an increase in the amount of end of uterus , uterine cancer and this I think has generally er mo mo mo ruined the course for for the older doctors because they still think that it 's associated with an increase in cancer and they have n't got up to date to realise that the more modern preparations are not causing this and that 's where I think th the problems li lie .
15 Well this I think 's Well it smells better than camomile tea .
16 ‘ Do you know , ’ he said , ‘ it 's at times like this I think there 's hope for the universe yet . ’
17 He 's actually sacked his own foreman , the main contractor cos the main , the foreman turned up on site and this I think is one of the lessons to be learnt , is that foreman turned up on site and saw what was happening
18 Come the summer holiday which was August Bank holiday , for this I think we were away from school a month .
19 This I think is greatly to the credit of ICM , provided , as you say , that we can retain the appropriate balance .
20 And looking at this I think obviously , if this is the level they 're going to assess at ,
21 The reason for this I think is , not in spite of , but because their work is so , ultimately , sociological .
22 So we 'll get out of this I think Okay .
23 It 's great to go slow where you 've got houses , children and all the other things , but I , Avenue , which is on er plan five , is one of the radial roads that goes through the centre of erm out in the direction and to put a thirty mile an hour speed limit on this I think is totally unrealistic .
24 Now so we would be here under favours and if we 're doing this I think I 'm going to say him , Yes I 'll do it if you mention crackers as well .
25 Could I ask Mr Potter , Mr Potter 's familiar particularly with this I think it was Richmondshire was n't it ?
26 I think Mao was quite keyed up on the whole situation , I think he realized that to win the war they had to erm adjust the mass support very carefully , and I think that 's basically what this I think that 's why two months later they er they er gave up this document cos he was worried then they 'd lose the middle peasants ' support .
27 In addition to classroom support Mrs says that Paul needs general support for three hours per evening in relation to his er social well being in his leisure activities three hours per evening for the four evenings a week which he spends at school , in relation to this I think it right to bear in mind Mr evidence about the school , being a special school of course has generous staffing levels , staffing levels which would make the mouth of any head teacher of any other school water I suspect .
28 Having having erm been into various things like this I think we 're almost unshockable by now .
29 I would like to say in general Mr I think that as a Committee we should welcome this report which does , it really does er has done a very thorough job and ha a a and provides us now with a s understandable framework and and time scale work when you 've got target and when brought forward or shown to any member of the complex that that erm I think provisionally with the backlog of what is now ready to tackle the result onto our and commissioner is grant er , er grant , erm there will be , it will be like an enormous benefits not just in those areas that John has taken us to but in general atmosphere which kind of be very tense and competition and I think we 'll be , be seeing the action in this token er within it will be er target time , erm real pro real progress will be this I think the feeling of that will going , come by will , will , will be a lot of ruling er in this area and maybe even start to er leave the question from er as a result and the signal to the users of our serv , of the services and erm would go out of here in a planned way and in answer to er fairly speedily and you know what or reduce the erm the aggro .
30 This I think is actually more likely to get people to register to vote , I think regardless of any party affiliation you all have something to benefit from that and I suspect the vast majority of members of the council will see that any well designed leaflet that gets people to put themselves on the register is to the benefit of democracy .
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