Example sentences of "this is [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 This is to undervalue the grief work , which could be assisted by listening to the stories of the person , the events of the death , and the pain of the loss being experienced .
2 The Irish male being notoriously patriarchal , this is to undervalue Jellett as seriously as a feminist might overvalue her .
3 In Raoul 's case , there is a further frame attached to the sub-frame , and this is to hold both camera and radio equipment because , as you can see , he has utilised each of the pivot points as centres for cogwheels .
4 A variation on this is to hold in each entry in the translation table , not only the value to be placed in the destination string , but also the address of a new translation table to be used for the next source character .
5 The simplest way to remedy this is to replace Rate 1 , Rate 2 and so on by their monetary values and this is what has been done here — notice that cells F3 , G3 , H3 and so on now contain values and that these cells have been formatted to display currency .
6 Their natural reaction to this is to shed leaves , to cut maintenance back to the essential main frame as it were , and this may happen during August or at the beginning of September , long before the frosts which generally trigger leaf fall .
7 However , this is to mistake not only the demanding nature of current practice but also the non-punitive knowledge , skills , and values which provide for its success .
8 This is to mistake the will for the deed .
9 The best way to do this is to compare it with real paddlers .
10 The easiest way to ensure this is to leave your computer in the box !
11 The sum effect of this is to prompt a cross-your-legs-and-cringe reaction .
12 This is to confirm that
13 The competitive Durham sides of recent years are rightly given much space , for this is to mark their elevation .
14 This is to include an opinion of future development .
15 The secret of this is to open the end of the matchbox and , when closing it , pinch a little skin in between the base and the outside .
16 Prices for 3∗ and 4∗ hotels are sometimes similar this is to reflect location , facilities , standards and our not inconsiderable ability to negotiate excellent deals .
17 Schematically for ( 1b ) : And for ( 2 ) : The point of all this is to explain why do takes the bare infinitive .
18 This is to signify that its national and its global membership may be distinguished for the sake of convenience , but that the concept of the TCC entails global interests .
19 This is to allow the host and hostess to take their places with the minimum of complication .
20 This is to allow the Commission an opportunity to determine whether or not the aid in question is compatible with the Treaty of Rome .
21 This is to allow for dispersal of heat — yes , heat !
22 But this is to allow the opponent to set the terms for debate , accepting assumptions that feminists ought perhaps to question ( for example , that women should be treated equally only to the extent that they resemble men ) and thus conceding a vital part of the argument .
23 With some research topics , such as asking people to say what criminal offences they have committed , the only chance of getting any truthful answers would be with a guarantee that the answers would be confidential ( no one else would be told the answers given by a particular individual ) , and the best way of ensuring this is to allow respondents not to give their names ( anonymity ) .
24 The effect of this is to allow liquor to be provided for a further hour in the evening in a part of the premises set aside for people taking table meals provided it is consumed as part of the meal .
25 This is to allow the nearer ones to write by In-filling — over the previously drawn further ones , or by the construction of silhouettes that restrict the construction of ones further from the drawn front facets .
26 An alternative way of looking at this is to posit another principle also universally present in human intercourse .
27 For this is to stipulate that Lenin 's three criteria must be satisfied if a whole is to count as a complex one .
28 A worrying thing at the moment is as I said we 're in close contact with is that the Malaysian Government is sending representatives over to visit the European Community Ministers in May , to try and say that there 's absolutely nothing wrong with what 's going on in their country with the logging , and they 're saying that people like Friends of the Earth are calling for a ban on timber , not because they care about sustained yield , but because we want to be able to sell our own wood , and this is to depress their trade .
29 But this is to anticipate the argument ; for the moment I want only to observe that a conception of the self as socially and/or metaphysically constituted produces one idea of transgression , and that of the self as ideally ( if not actually ) unified and autonomous , quite another .
30 But this is to anticipate the next chapter .
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