Example sentences of "by being [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Where the winters are cold , the broadleaves contrive to save water in winter , and reduce wind and frost damage , by being deciduous and shedding winter leaves , while conifer leaves tend to have thick cuticles , to be needle-like in form , and are able to withstand the winters .
2 By being doctrinaire and parochial , it is easy to have a whole host of companies competing in the same home market ; but how many will be effective ( or even in business ) in ten years ' time ?
3 We did it by being competent , ultra competitive , flexible and by taking fast , but informed management decisions and action .
4 You can create a good impression on yourself by being right , he realizes , but for creating a good impression on others there 's nothing to beat being totally and catastrophically wrong .
5 Thus if learners are aiming to communicate naturally , they need to be prepared for this by being involved in natural communicative language use in the classroom .
6 It is often the CD worker who elicits a response by being involved in some form of needs assessment and the partnership between community and professional is formed in the process .
7 On the positive side , the Ulster Unionists lost nothing by being involved in talks with the Irish Government — even in Dublin .
8 It is seen to help the designers of tomorrow cross the industrial and academic divide by being involved with a commercially successful design team .
9 Participants develop project management skills by being involved in all phases of the consultancy process including reviews of the management process and quality of output .
10 There is a kind of feedback into the black community : stories about going for a job , getting turned down and explaining the failure as caused by being black get fed back to other blacks and so nourish conceptions about the structure of society .
11 He judges himself by being better .
12 Some mannerisms may not be of great use to the interviewer in assessing your character but they may work against you by being irritating .
13 Against : almost nothing I can put my finger on , except that it 's a darned expensive guitar and I expected it to justify its price by being inspiring — which , for all of us who tried it , it somehow failed to be .
14 At the lowest levels this does not matter : syllables can be identified from the text , and syllables group into clitic phrases , consisting of one lexically stressed syllable and any unstressed syllables which are immediately associated with it , either by being in the same word or by being proclitic or enclitic to it .
15 But would , should we compound the issue by being cruel to the animal kingdom ?
16 Fisher objected that an Archbishop of York ought not to encourage illegality by being present at the requiem ; and , painfully for himself , felt under a duty of conscience not to attend the memorial service .
17 Even where it is positively established that the right person was questioned , who by being present at the time had the nominal responsibility for cleaning the surface in question , the true reason for the fault may lie elsewhere being the result of one or other of the following factors :
18 First , the department has a role at the executive-director level by being present at the board 's review of the plans from the business units and by highlighting where these plans do not adequately address certain strategic issues .
19 A closed-circuit TV control panel sends video images from the theatre to a special lecture theatre in the suite , where students can watch operations without increasing the risk of infection by being present .
21 It is much easier to prevent this situation developing by being firm from the outset , rather than trying to remedy it later .
22 On generation , there had been a long-standing debate within the industry , and Citrine felt it was best to avoid any further uncertainty by being firm on the issue .
23 I thought I 'd like to write more characters who , by being deadly serious , would give themselves away …
24 A possible third — over-exposure to specialised and/or volatile funds , can be eliminated simply by being cautious .
25 For others it is sufficient to look or act like a gouger by being rough-looking and dirty or disrespectful to and disliking the police , ‘ giving lip ’ and swearing , coming from ‘ a problem family ’ and being of low intelligence ( ‘ not all there ’ , ‘ air getting in ’ , ‘ not right ’ , ‘ a few bricks short of a full load ’ ) .
26 He is that rare thing , a chap who 's made a hit by being passive .
27 Big brother was staying in Islington , making a living from TV comedy shows by being one of the twenty or so names that zip up the screen under where it says Additional Material By : , and trying to be a stand-up comic .
28 The report said that UNESCO had not accepted the need for budgetary restraint and was still excessively politicized , adding : " The leverage we retain as a sought-after non-member … is greater than we would wield simply by being one vote among 161 others . "
29 He can create overall rhythms and within them short phrase rhythms , but the basis of them all is that they exist in groups and by being efficient in action and appropriate to the context give pleasure to both the performer and the onlooker . ’
30 He survived by being efficient at his work , if not deliberately unimaginative at times .
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