Example sentences of "by time and " in BNC.

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1 We know that niello is a metal sulphide , made by heating metal filings with sulphur , but could there be a continuity of tradition amongst the metalworkers of cultures so widely separated by time and geography ?
2 So in a sense the reptile dominance is still with us , transmuted by time and evolution .
3 The vegetation is determined by the climate and the nature of the soil , but also by time and chance ; for example , by what seeds happen to have become established in a particular place in the extreme past .
4 The remaining monuments have been cracked open by undergrowth or assaulted by time and neglect .
5 Parmenides drew a fundamental distinction between the world of appearance , characterized by time and change , and the world of reality which is unchanging and timeless .
6 It was carefully controlled by time and by geography — a day divided into three eight-hour slots .
7 Human experts often have to travel to deploy their knowledge and are restricted by time and other business pressures .
8 Sean French ponders the pain and anger of the famous , left in the lurch by time and changes of fashion
9 DIARY Sean French ponders the pain and anger of the famous , left in the lurch by time and changes in fashion
10 It is quite an elaborate item : Youth and Age sit on an oval cartouche flanked by Time and Eternity .
11 It 's hard enough denying yourself or ‘ being healthy ’ at lunchtime , but at least there are certain curbs automatically posed by time and custom .
12 Constrained by time and numbers of referrals it is usual to teach relaxation techniques over one to three sessions , with occasional revision practice at later dates .
13 What the NEA and Frohnmayer 's troubles have made clear is that only leadership , intelligent , proud and committed , can explain to the American people what great art , validated by time and genius , can bring to heal a split society .
14 The key concept , then , is really interest , the perennial component of politics , and the one which is unaffected by time and place .
15 A degree is no shortcut to the acquisition of the essential practical skills ; experience is won by time and application :
16 Of course , any ethnographic study is bound by time and place .
17 They walked slowly up the church path , past the old graves , those so seared by time and weather that they stood as grey shapes furred with lichen , names and dates no longer legible , uniform in obscurity .
18 Discussing the prose poem — a form of literature which , as used by Jacob , provides one of the closest literary parallels to Cubist painting in that it embodies simultaneously actions or events normally separated by time and space , which are fused into formal , difficult but rational and understandable creations — Jacob warns the poet and artist against ‘ the too dazzling precious stones which attract the eye at the expense of the whole ’ , and adds ‘ The poem is a constructed object and not the display window of a jeweller 's shop .
19 In a sense , from the point of view of the information given-birth , education , career , books written , pious foundations endowed many of the biographies are , mutatis mutandis , not unlike those in Who 's Who.a If the English reader of Who 's Who can flesh out the bare bones almost as a matter of instinct , however , to do the same for the Ottoman ulema is rendered almost impossible by time and cultural distance .
20 As he turned back the coverlet of the bed where he must sleep alone , Frere consoled himself with the thought that what he was incapable of accomplishing himself might be accomplished for him by time and that providential hand , of which , in his earnest efforts outside the home , he was the faithful instrument .
21 Answer guide : Straight line — asset usage and wearing out is governed by time and is equal over the assets life .
22 How to think about these two exhibitions , separated by time and place ?
23 A highly individualistic vision , coloured by time and experience , focuses on everyday objects suggesting associations tinged with both the sadness of ageing and the insights of maturity .
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