Example sentences of "by the old " in BNC.

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1 From its domination by the old ascendancy , the Orange order in particular came to embrace protestants from all classes and churches .
2 I lowered my head quickly , as if to acknowledge the truth spoken by the old woman Khadija when she heard of my decision to travel to London .
3 But otherwise , he swears by the old tradition of a load of farmyard muck .
4 That evening Sid and I dined off piping hot oxtail soup , steak and kidney pie , followed by a very rich plum duff , all washed down with a bottle of French cider , given to us by the old Frenchman who lived in the cottage near the entrance to the orchard .
5 The freedom and autonomy guaranteed for universities by the old University Grants Committee were no more .
6 She had felt trapped by the old mesh of loyalty and shame .
7 He saw that Lewis would not re-enter Christianity by a new door but by the old one : at least in the sense that in taking it up again he would also take up again or reawaken the prejudices so sedulously planted in childhood and boyhood .
8 He runs away to the city where he is taken in by The Old Lady .
9 Perhaps with society more dominated by the old , there will be more respect for wisdom , sagacity .
10 They 've used old tiles which of course helps — but the proportion , the way the thing 's built … ‘ by the old people of the old materials in the old unhurrying way' ’ but at the same time ‘ ‘ sweet to all modern uses ' ’ … and who do you think did this for her ? — a young chap called Lutyens , 27 he is — and I 've always heard him derided by the Schultz school as a ‘ ‘ society , , architect .
11 I opened the conservatory door to slip out to my bedroom the back way and noticed a pair of eyes peering at me from behind the rubber plant in the far corner , distorted by the old glass .
12 So when the Left was attacked — by the old trick of imputing treason to it — they had no allies .
13 What O'Neillism did for Paisleyism was to raise in a concrete way the possibility of change from being a Protestant society and culture ( constantly threatened by the old enemy within and without ) to being a secular modern society in which religious affiliation would be of little consequence .
14 Paisley has gone on record time after time to condemn the assassination of Catholics and has insisted that the potential violence represented by the old Protestant Volunteers and more recently by the Third Force should only be exercised in a defensive manner and in the event of a complete breakdown of law and order .
15 Its justification was the lack of policy in the country since the death of James V ; it attacked the desire for private profit of those who governed , and the threat of the subjugation of Scotland by the old enemy , England ; and it asserted the signatories , zeal for justice , and the liberty and honour of the realm .
16 The Wesleyan mission had been started in 1886 by the old boys of The Leys School as a settlement for the poor of Finsbury and it had the usual assortment of activities such as clubs , bands , and concerts .
17 A jug of lemonade and two glasses stood by the old woman 's arm .
18 The most spectacular loss was suffered by the old Communist Party , now split into the progressive Democratic Left , and the traditional Marxist Refoundation .
19 ( The soil cost £5 and was supplied by the old Henley Rural District Council ) .
20 The weaker hives had all their comb cut out and packed into leather sacks for easier carrying , and the skeps stacked by the old hut to collect later .
21 These kindly present-buying people will be set upon immediately by the old cake-shop lady , who will convince them that what all ‘ the young people ’ are going for are these lovely olive green PVC capes that fit nicely over a rucksack .
22 Fionn Loch , the ‘ white loch ’ holds some fantastic wild brown trout , fish of up to 4lb and more in weight ; and deeper down , ferox , caught by the old Scottish fishing method , trolling .
23 While they were being pinned back by the Old Course , one man was able to deliver the coup-de-grâce to St Andrews with a birdie finish , gently cajoled by an American renowned for catching golf balls in a baseball glove .
24 After Zarathustra 's death his religion was taken up by the old priestly class known as the Magi and eventually became the faith of the Achaemenid dynasty .
25 It is regarded as the finest of the Cambridge college bridges ; an achievement to which the architect may have been spurred by the old St. John 's bridge , a masterpiece by Wren , barely 20 yards downstream .
26 Our announcing staff at CBR had been enhanced by the addition of Ray Mackness , Sheila Russell , Ted Devlin and Saul Ornest , but the main shows were still handled by the old reliables , Dick Halhed and Bill Herbert .
27 In most cases this was a substantial decrease compared with community funding undertaken by the old Urban Programme from 1968 to 1977 .
28 Bert shuffled back through the door into the boarded off section of the garage , followed by Yanto , who was frustrated by the old man 's slowness .
29 She paused by the old flour mill , another landmark of her childhood .
30 Standing by the old timber ponds at Clapton , another of his childhood swimming holes , he had felt his tension being blown away by the eternal winds of the Severn .
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