Example sentences of "by look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In truth , the camera is a ruthless editor of visual information ; this can be made plain by looking at a picture , say of the eighteenth century , and comparing it with a contemporary print , perhaps an aquatint , and a modern photograph .
2 There is no way of telling if someone is infected by looking at them , but a special blood test declares a person negative or positive .
3 Also , remember that many people with HIV infection may remain perfectly well for some years , and it is not possible to tell who is infected just by looking at them .
4 Changes in electrical activity of the brain are associated with changes in the level and content of consciousness : you can tell whether someone is asleep or awake by looking at his electro-encephalogram .
5 She could tell this by looking at his back as he stood at the bar ordering more drinks .
6 English Hops began their development of hop oils by looking at the ‘ dry hopping ’ end of the brewing process , when a handful of whole or pellet hops are added to casks of beer .
7 The very considerable size of this achievement can be appreciated by looking at the hydrostatic pressure undersea cables may have to endure — up to 4t/in2 , at a depth of three miles .
8 In practice one can only talk about one thing at a time , and in this Chapter I shall risk a distorting simplicity by looking at questions of theory largely in isolation from institutional matrices and situations , and concentrating on British activities to the exclusion of the American ones that accompanied or preceded them .
9 Some of these claims can be considered , and either allowed or disallowed , only by looking at the work as a whole ; others can be at least understood after reading only a few lines :
10 He starts by looking at DRG 's pension fund surplus , which he says is worth £25m .
11 Middle-class notions of respectability enable policemen and women ‘ to tell just by looking at someone whether there 's something a bit suspicious about them ’ and ‘ to be able to recognize a decent member of the public ’ ( FN 20/6/87 , p. 20 ) .
12 The breadth of this review , which goes on to discuss Sir Thomas Elyot 's The Governour and to conclude by looking at immediate reforms applicable in a modern world of ‘ industrial exploitation … ’ where ‘ local community does not exist ’ relates clearly to ‘ East Coker ’ .
13 Its significance can be gauged in part by looking at the range of objections to the theatre as a place which subverted metaphysical fixity .
14 These histories , it was believed , could be constructed by looking at the available information on primitive peoples , past and present , whether from archaeological remains , from classical accounts of early institutions , such as those given by Tacitus concerning the German tribes of Roman times , or early Greece and Rome themselves , or , most importantly , from the reports of travellers , explorers , colonists and missionaries , describing contemporary primitives .
15 Because of this , a Marxist theoretical construction of the social system implied that one should start by ignoring people 's beliefs and ideas and by looking at who produces what and who gets what is produced .
16 By looking at the kinship terms of a society one could therefore know by this means what had been the previous kinship system , practised in the past by the people concerned .
17 Some idea of the potential gains from a single currency can be had by looking at previous historical periods when people really believed that exchange rates were fixed .
18 For those who are weekly paid , normal earnings are estimated by looking at the last five weeks pay , or the last two months for the monthly paid .
19 For those who are weekly paid , normal earnings are estimated by looking at the last five weeks pay , or the last two months for the monthly paid .
20 For those who are weekly paid , normal earnings are estimated by looking at the last five weeks pay , or the last two months for the monthly paid .
21 Pollution Control : A comprehensive plan is introduced for modernising pollution control by looking at discharges from big factories to air , water and land as one big package , requiring one licence .
22 The latest study has gone for first-hand evidence , by looking at Inland Revenue figures for bequeathed estates , and by conducting a couple of sample surveys .
23 That white can see , by looking at other whites , that he is capable of success in lots of different ways .
24 They think that all knowledge is to be found by perusing him , and not by looking at the real world .
25 When I was with him I was in a more or less permanent state of sexual excitement , and I could bring myself to orgasm just by looking at him , without the aid of hands .
26 You could tell a Tory just by looking at him .
27 The second is by looking at the patterns of coin finds , both those revealed by coins deposited in hoards and those which were casually lost and have been recovered in modern times by chance , by treasure hunting or by archaeological excavation .
28 You could tell it just by looking at his flabby features .
29 The point is best made by looking at a simple inanimate , but man-made , system , which in this respect resembles a living and not a physical one .
30 He can , apparently , date a picture precisely just by looking at the monkeys in it .
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