Example sentences of "at [noun prp] through " in BNC.

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1 In all , some 368 coaches were converted for use as ambulance trains at Wolverton through the war .
2 Barney Moss stared at Doyle through the intervening glass-topped door , and Doyle felt the hostility like tiny knives .
3 We have arranged a policy suitable for the watersports we provide with certain Underwriters at Lloyds through T.L. Ireland & Co .
4 First I was saved in eternity in the plan of God the Father , next I was saved at Calvary through the atoning work of God the Son , finally I was saved on Monday 30 June 19 – through the converting work of God the Holy Spirit . ’
5 He settled himself behind the wheel , pulled the door shut and looked up at Turner through the open window .
6 After a moment , he looked up and smiled at Tessa through the rails .
7 He gazed up at Cornelius through the unfractured lens of his spectacles .
8 We must , nevertheless , beware of looking at Spain through Andalusian spectacles and generalizing from the violent and precarious structure of the latifundia districts .
9 The Wallowa headman remained at Tepahlewam through the night , and in this time of killing , his wife gave birth to their second daughter .
10 Miss Honey continued to look steadily at Matilda through her steel-rimmed spectacles and Matilda looked back at her just as steadily .
11 By arriving collectively at CBs through open discussion .
12 Rory gazed at Adam through weary , incredulous eyes .
13 Gorelli 's face stared at Jed through the bloodstained plastic .
14 His pale blue eyes peered anxiously at Vic through thick rimless spectacles .
15 It is introduced by looking back at the events which took place at Navron through the eyes of a ‘ trespasser in time ’ observing the memories that still haunt the place after Dona and the others have been and gone .
16 The houses stand close to the road , with some of the oldest of the village 's houses , its two public houses , the post office and the local supermarket all enduring the unremitting throb of the traffic as cars and lorries pound through its narrow confines taking holidaymakers to the coast at the weekend and workers to the British Gas terminal at Easington through the week .
17 Izzie glowered at Garvey through the thickening darkness .
18 He swung his legs from the desk , and stared at Cowley through dark , angry eyes .
19 I played with the dumpy stem of the brandy glass , smirking at Ashley through the candle flame .
20 He stared at Lambert through the mirror .
21 The man had picked up the ball , and peered down at Nick through dark-rimmed , bleary eyes .
22 She was looking at Slater through the black web of her hair ; now her head tilted , she turned to face him , put her small hand out .
23 Then she gazed at Alice through languorous and drooping eyelids .
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