Example sentences of "at [noun prp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 They stopped on the promenade at Cultra and looked out over the blackness of Belfast Lough , alive with twinkling lights .
2 After lunch two mini-buses took us to the Ulster Folk Museum at Cultra and the Dublin deaf were overcome by the beauty of our countryside .
3 The convoy was halted for a time by protesters at Dalreoch , on the Dumbarton-Helensburgh road , again at Helensburgh and on the third occasion at the protest camp at the gates to the base .
4 We also take a look at William and Mary furniture , and on a contemporary level visit some of the woodworking colleges .
5 And also where from taught at William and Mary College .
6 The Ercoupe/Aircoupe , call it what you like , is a simple , safe , sturdy and economical little two-seater that flies nicely , wo n't break the bank to buy or operate , and could , with a bit of arm-twisting at CAA and PFA headquarters , go on to a Permit to Fly — especially the older versions .
7 Alternatively see the impressive fortifications at Helmsley and Pickering castles where you 'll find yourself a place in history .
8 It will secure jobs not only at the company 's plants at Warton and Samlesbury , Lancs , and Brough , Humberside , but at many sub-contractors notably Rolls-Royce at Filton , Bristol .
9 Once again we received a warm welcome at Cresswell and were treated to coffee and some rather nice chocky biscuits in the Board Room .
10 From the pasta brunch laid on by Sonning prior to our departure , through the several , most welcome pints in Royston 's Orchard Bar to the morning coffee at Cresswell and the celebratory buffet lunch provided by Burslem , we were well fed and watered and made to feel most welcome .
11 The line to Bathgate , reopened to passengers on 24 March 1986 ( including two new stations at Uphall and Livingston ) at a cost of £1.5million shared by six public bodies expected to see a top figure of 400,000 passengers annually .
12 Well we 're the study seminars can take place either at Sussex or overseas , and in fact our present policy is to try and increase the number that actually take place in the Third World , because we feel that that has a number of advantages .
13 It arose , actually , the book , from a course in fact erm for current practicising engineers that we ran here at Sussex and indeed are still running , and engineers from many walks of life , different sort of areas of interest , have attended and I think found a lot of benefit from attending the course , so suppose it 's aim primarily was someone with a background knowledge of engineering in its broadest sense , but
14 He visited Edinburgh , saw what they were doing there , liked it and decided to see whether it could be done at Sussex and approached the university through the Bi-Medical Engineering Group , of which I 'm a member , and I was interested .
15 Darlington RA 's professional Troy Dixon also made 105 not out and his side set a target of 216 for seven at Blackhall but the game was drawn .
16 Neither d'Argenlieu nor Ho led their respective sides at Fontainebleau but an agreement seemed no more likely between their substitutes : Max André , with his interests in the Banque de l'Indo-Chine , and Pham Van Dong .
17 I made a facial question-mark at Melanie but she just shrugged and edged closer .
18 Now she agitatedly trimmed lamb chops , paring away the hard , white fat for Uncle Philip could not abide grease , glancing now and then at Melanie and opening and closing her mouth in a distressing , uncertain way .
19 Or visit the Olivier/SWET 91 award-winning play Dancing at Lughnasa and hear talk of Wild Woodbines ' . ’
20 The company says it is porting to other platforms in September , hinting at ICL and Hewlett Packard .
21 In October 1889 , the British Government became determined not to allow any threat to the British strategical supremacy in South Africa , and that led to the outbreak of another Boer War , which included some humiliating defeats in the initial stages and the two great sieges at Ladysmith and Mafeking which were finally relieved in 1900 .
22 Someone uncoupled that car at Cartier and rigged some way of pulling it out of the station into the darkness before releasing it .
23 While the coach waits for a satisfactory fitness test , Steadman , already out of tomorrow 's game with Wakefield , said : ‘ I hope to be ready for a reserve game on Saturday or possibly Monday 's game at Hull but I am confident I will be fit before Wembley .
24 Brazil , a scorer as substitute at Hull and in midweek , keeps his place at Kristensen 's expense .
25 Wilson himself had the satisfaction of securing a permanent Joint Conference for the future settlement of wages at Hull and Goole and Tupper obtained the first negotiated settlement at Aberdeen .
26 Giles glanced at Sophie and laughed ruefully .
27 In 1972 Moscow had gained access to the ports and airfields at Berbera and Mogadishu as well as the airfields at Uanle Uen .
28 We also co-operated with the managers of three of our smaller town centre pubs ( the Moorcroft at Oldham , the Navigation at Northwich and the Volunteer at Warrington ) in setting up ‘ Pub Grub ’ operations .
29 It was invented by Mr Gordon as a rapid means of transport between his house at Monte and his office in Funchal .
30 There has also been a change in the holiday habits of the Madeirans themselves , who used to retire to their summer villas at Monte or Santo da Serra to escape the heat or flocked to the rocky shoreline around Funchal to bathe every day .
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