Example sentences of "at [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 er bowls at Chapel have been
2 According to Dr. Desmond Corrigan of Dublin University , ‘ it is a fact that 40% of all drugs used at present have a folklore basis ’ .
3 But customers at present have difficulty in knowing whether they are getting value for money .
4 The industrial tribunals at present have no jurisdiction to decide breaches of contracts of employment , and if the statutory protection against unfair dismissal is to retain its advantages over common law it is essential that tribunals decide cases according to reasonableness and not contract .
5 The FC at present have a very good policy of allowing access and , indeed , encouraging the use of the forests for recreational purposes .
6 What Mr seems to be directing is that the settlement should be directed to those areas which are at present have pleasant tree cover and things , which theoretically can assimilate a new settlement which in the context of the Vale of York , tend to be those areas which are th are of the better landscape quality .
7 Regrettably this manuscript has been lost within the British Library for the last twenty years , and studies of it at present have to be based on photographic records .
8 People up at Avonmouth have n't
9 I leave you to enjoy all these and more but not before all of us at MKM have wished you a ‘ Happy Christmas ’ .
10 The facilities at Bloxham have become available because both marques are now owned by Ford .
11 Redundant storage bins at Wilton have a new use — as havens for badgers .
12 The NMGC 's archives at Rugby have been inspected and are extensive ; access to the archives has been successfully negotiated .
13 EMPLOYEES AT RUNCORN HAVE BEEN given the lowdown on Guinness ' strong performance in the competitive take home trade with a day-long series of presentations .
14 Because it is so easy for women to slip into a shared area with each other , they may at times have a fear of doing so , in case they lose their individuality .
15 The problem is , of course , that child abuse work is all too often conducted under enormous time and resource pressures , and may at times have to be done under the glare of unwelcome publicity or in the aftermath of an incident that has aroused public concern .
16 HIS great courage and imperturbable COOLNESS in the face of what must at times have seemed to him to be insuperable odds WAS , I must confess — although I do not really like him — quite UNBELIEVABLE .
17 ‘ Of course I am no scholar though , ’ a risk , ‘ we soldiers must at times have a scholar 's curiosity . ’
18 Hope reined himself in , pulled back from the edge of his desperation , ‘ … at times have been led to think that way . ’
19 Soviet relations with the largest of its neighbours , the People 's Republic of China have also been difficult and at times have broken down altogether .
20 Nowadays , diabetes is understood and in general is accepted even though hypoglycaemic ( too little sugar in the blood ) attacks , from taking too much insulin relative to body requirements , can result in strange behaviour which may at times have tragic consequences , as indeed can misdiagnosis ( usually as drunkenness ) from hyperglycaemia ( too much sugar in the blood ) in untreated diabetes .
21 Conversely , natural monopolies in the public sector which at times have been instructed to use marginal cost pricing will almost inevitably make losses .
22 Does my right hon. Friend agree that many of the views that I have expressed in the House , which at times have been received with ridicule and dismay , have become law subsequently ?
23 Similarly those reporting on their negotiations with the British may at times have been tempted to exaggerate their success .
24 In theory it is possible to raise new points not dealt with in the pleadings or argument in the trial , but the Court of Appeal is reluctant to exercise the power to admit them , since it smacks of allowing the running of alternative arguments where those run at trial have failed .
25 Kathleen , absolute brick to the end , has let me keep my season ticket for London so I 've still been able to pop down there during the day when I feel like it — and the rail staff at Colchester have been quite happy to let me have a break in my journey .
26 Good performances in the British under 20 water polo trials at Sheffield have results in Paul Floyd and Lee Cooke ( Middlesbrough ) being selected for the 16-strong squad from which the 13 players will be selected for the four-nations tournament in Belgium on May 1–3 .
27 He describes how the Digital Equipment Corporation at Ayr have pursued quality and flexibility by introducing high performance , self-managing work teams .
28 Governors , parents and teachers at Cheddington have taken the initiative and they 're actively promoting the school and what it has to offer to the village .
29 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
30 It 's the same as that place in Australia where they have n't seen rain for seventeen years , I mean there 's children who are grown up now at college have never seen a spot of rain , I 'd hate that I 'd rather have our , sometimes dismal climate .
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