Example sentences of "at [adv] no " in BNC.

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1 The young David Steel was persuaded to support James Callaghan 's government for two years , at virtually no cost to Labour .
2 HP ( hire purchase ) The term used by shoppers and many shops to describe both true hire purchase ( where the shopper is in effect hiring the goods , with an option to buy at virtually no extra cost when he has paid all the instalments , and the lender has some rights to repossess the goods as securing against default ) , and the more common credit sale .
3 an annual report internally at virtually no cost
4 A major question is , of course , whether such products provide a better , or at least no worse , hop character than whole hops .
5 At least no one came and found us half naked in the showers with our arms around each other .
6 At least no one can accuse Watson of being half-hearted .
7 From this angle at least no light showed therein , at this hour , an encouraging sign , although undoubtedly there would be guards on duty .
8 In this sense , the intent to harm someone may be less immoral ( or at least no more immoral ) than to be indifferent as to whom is harmed .
9 At least no person from Porlock was likely to interrupt me today .
10 But he was also the most articulate of English artists — partly at least no doubt because he was half Irish .
11 But I thought , " Well , even if he wo n't listen , at least no one can say afterwards that we did n't do our best to warn him " . "
12 At least no trace of an attempt to do so has survived among the voluminous Cossack and British sources .
13 On 10–5- They found " that for the present at least no arrangement preferable to the present appeared practicable . "
14 Some of them were out to show that they could achieve good quality community care at a lower cost than hospitals , or to provide community care which was at least no more expensive than a hospital .
15 Moreover , Marwnad Cynddylan ( ‘ Lament for Cynddylan ’ ) , perhaps by the bard , Meigant , may be of seventh-century date or at least no later than the ninth .
16 That if I ran away , at least no one would be running after me .
17 With the usual kindly swat , and again directing his intellectual energy towards moral concerns , Johnson replies , ‘ No sir , he can not have pleasure in music , at least no power of producing music ; for he who can produce music may let it alone ; he who can play upon a fiddle may break it : such a man is not a machine . ’
18 As for the book , there was at least no drastic change of plan , but rather a continuation of work already done : " the short work " was surely not all that " finished " by the end of March .
19 There was at least no example in Western Europe in the eighteenth century of the premeditated murder by secret agents of one country of a diplomat belonging to another , a thing which had been seen under the rule of Louis XIV .
20 At least no one could ever accuse you of being a fortune-hunter , ’ he said with a ghost of a smile .
21 They were sparse , little more than a wide and overgrown hedge , but at least no dragon would be able to fly through them .
22 Well , at least no one could accuse her of dressing provacatively — it was hardly an outfit that would knock anyone 's eyes out .
23 At least no one was killed , ’ said Garvin sourly .
24 At least no one could ever accuse him of lacking decency and moral courage .
25 Milton Keynes is picking up the pieces and pleased that at least no one lost a life .
26 He , I mean , at least no one else 'll see it .
27 During this period the number of people working in the office in Carlisle virtually doubled at almost no cost to the BDA , and valuable contributions were made in all departments .
28 Nuclear Electric can now generate extra electricity worth up to £200,000 a day at almost no extra cost .
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