Example sentences of "at [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 * The Annual Lourdes Reunion for the Feast Day will be held in St Mary 's Cathedral , Coulby Newham , with Mass at 7pm to which everyone is invited — sick and healthy — Lourdes pilgrims and friends .
2 The silver bugle light infantry badge is returning to Hartlepool after 50 years with the setting up of a new army cadet force detachment which is looking for boys and girls aged between 13 and 18 to go along on Monday at 7pm to St James Church Hall , Rossmere Way .
3 Coaches should plan to arrive at junction 21 of the M1 at 1pm to 1.30 and make their way to the rendezvous point .
4 The NSPCC will hold a garage sale at Foresters Hall , The Green , on Saturday , February 29 at 10.30am to 1pm .
5 ‘ Nothing , ’ he called at once to the others , whose view of the top car was obscured by the tall backs of their seats .
6 This brings me at once to what I have always found the most impressive fact about the evidence on this subject : its ambiguity , not to say its neutrality .
7 Cain leaps at once to disastrous conclusions , and the consequence is not the eating of fruit now , but jealousy and cold , calculated murder , fratricide .
8 Moses does not turn at once to God , their healer , but enters into the quarrel .
9 Had not concern been her prime motive in going at once to Mrs Browning ?
10 Fearing a tragedy of epic proportions — her mind leapt at once to Penini and then to Miss Arabel — she knocked on the open door and Mr Browning came through from the other room , so haggard and drawn in contrast to his morning self that once more she was convinced something dreadful had happened .
11 He wrote at once to his constituency resigning his candidacy .
12 Yet Hitler himself referred to the S.A.S. as ‘ so-called commandos who are recruited in part from common criminals released from prison … captured S.A.S. troops must be handed over at once to the nearest Gestapo unit … these men are very dangerous , and the presence of S.A.S. troops must be immediately reported … they must be ruthlessly exterminated . ’
13 She turns at once to the Women 's page , where there is a Posy Simmonds strip cartoon adroitly satirizing middle-aged , middle-class liberals , an article on the iniquities of the Unborn Children ( Protection ) Bill , and a report on the struggle for women 's liberation in Portugal .
14 The sheep were penned in the yard , a usual practice at clipping time , when fleeces were clipped and thrown up at once to a helper on the gallery for storage .
15 One is never entirely without satisfaction when one 's friends are in a mess , one looks at once to how one can enlarge oneself by interfering . ’
16 Old Ing is the apex of the circular walk and here a decision must be taken , either to return at once to Horton in Ribblesdale by way of the motor road , in which case the farm access road descending south-west to High Birkwith should be followed , turning aside to see Birkwith Cave on the left ; or preferably , if the legs are willing , a recommended three-mile detour north will yield further surprises and delights .
17 Maria moved at once to her mother .
18 He insisted on calling the child Christina , but of course she became Chris at once to everybody .
19 When the stories reached Lysons himself , he wrote at once to the Duke of Portland , the home secretary , alerting him to the ‘ very suspicious business ’ taking place at Alfoxden , and on 11 August a government spy called James Walsh was dispatched to investigate .
20 The first Russian to mount the wall fell at once to a bullet from one of Thiercelin 's men , but now a slavonic deluge swamped the wall in a wave of green and grey , bayonets fixed , overran the Frenchmen on the terrace and began smashing at the door .
21 Too much bran introduced all at once to a stomach that is unused to it could cause discomfort and wind !
22 His only hope now , he believed , was a direct invasion of England from France and he moved on almost at once to Kinsale , where a French frigate was waiting to take him to Brest .
23 Tobie , back in the villa and cascading with loud , screaming sneezes , had proposed marching at once to the dyeworks and shaking Bartolomeo Zorzi by the hand : le Grant dissuaded him .
24 Explain at once to the speechreader what the mistake was so that he can share the joke , otherwise he may feel uncomfortable and puzzled by the reactions to his remark .
25 Some time before he had asked me if I knew this most neglected of novelists , coming up to talk to me in a blue-green Athenian bar from which he was almost at once to be evicted for a splendid falsetto rendering of ‘ The Lost Chord ’ .
26 Our lookout man on the forecastle reported her as close to our port bow , where also the officer of the watch from the bridge clearly saw her as did our quarter-deck midshipman , who was sent forward at once to the forecastle to report back .
27 ‘ You 're to go at once to the vicar 's study , ’ she announced .
28 ‘ Ruth , you must write at once to Maria , ’ Aunt Sarah urged .
29 To flush some out it is occasionally necessary to put a copy of the authority in a sealed envelope and insist it be conveyed at once to the chief executive .
30 Her suspicions flew at once to Ethel having cast a spell on the cat to get even with Mildred for the insult to Ethel 's family .
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