Example sentences of "at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Social activities Provided that they do not stop you going to bed at the proper time , social activities are a very good way of adjusting to the new time zone , particularly if they enable you to spend time out-of-doors in natural daylight at the times recommended in Table 11.2 .
2 As our death-bed scenario illustrated , the family was at its most cohesive at the times when the rites of passage were celebrated .
3 Argov himself had written an earlier letter of such hostility that it had to be returned by the paper because its contents were regarded by lawyers at The Times as potentially defamatory .
4 It had indeed been , as it happened , impossible for him to see her at the times she suggested .
5 Whilst every effort will be made to maintain the services shown herein , the Company does not guarantee that the trains will depart or arrive at the times stated and reserves the right to cancel , alter or suspend any train without notice and accepts no liability for any loss inconvenience or delay thereby caused , under normal circumstances trains are steam-hauled unless shown otherwise .
6 Both authors appear to belittle the great range of plants that were living at the times of their animals and the ways in which these plants were constantly evolving and migrating .
7 They are most readily shown at the times when the young are hatching and again when they are fledging .
8 The clientele made a perfect captive audience and in the early autumn of Paula 's second year at the store the management decided to bring in models to show the new season 's fashions at the times when the restaurant was most likely to be full of ladies who had accounts with Jenkinsons and cheque books in their capacious handbags .
9 A rapid look at The Times newspaper for this Monday in April might give us just the slightest inkling of the minutiae of English life on a most ordinary of ordinary days : Dickens was completing David Copperfield ; Bass 's India Pale Ale could be had for 33s. per 18-gallon cask ; Hampshire Breakfast Bacon would cost you 7½d. by the half side , while Captain Reid 's ‘ Walls End ’ coal was 19s. a ton .
10 Exasperated with all this pussy-footing , and knowing of Mountbatten 's wishes that what he had said should be known , I saw to it that a transcript of the Suez programme reached my friend Bernard Levin at The Times , and he published the core of it in two long articles .
11 SLEEPY staff at The Times were left red-faced by a prankster 's naughty note .
12 I laughed at the times people had used that sentence to me .
13 At The Times , the change was signalled by the appointment as columnist of Bernard Levin , a writer whose highly distinctive voice , originally anonymous in the Spectator , could not ‘ unnamed ’ have stood regular exposure in a daily paper .
14 Ipswich Hospital general manager Brian Websdell said there had been a high intake of intensive care patients at the times of Mr Connelly 's operation .
15 He read no papers beyond glancing at The Times headlines .
16 Nurses volunteer their services when they wish to work and managers engage them at the times required .
17 Vince has has raised a point about er erm , informing er and consulting local people and to let local people know erm when the meetings are then local ca n't go , I 'm sure that if they really wanted people to come they 'd make it much more er , in erm with the advertising so clear that er people would be able to and also if they had it at the times when a their meeting at the times when it was mostly convenient to er , the general public .
18 Vince has has raised a point about er erm , informing er and consulting local people and to let local people know erm when the meetings are then local ca n't go , I 'm sure that if they really wanted people to come they 'd make it much more er , in erm with the advertising so clear that er people would be able to and also if they had it at the times when a their meeting at the times when it was mostly convenient to er , the general public .
19 For my part , I think it would be open to the English courts to apply the civil law maxim directly to the situations we have in these two appeals , and treat the two plaintiffs as lives in being at the times of the events which injured them as they were later born alive , but it is not necessary to do so directly in view of the effect which the Montreal Tramways case [ 1933 ] 4 D.L.R. 337 has already had in the development of the common law in this field in other common law jurisdictions .
20 When warblers were kept under constant lighting conditions , they continued to become restless at the times when they would normally migrate .
21 She was a clever woman with obscure sources of energy who would suddenly start to garden by torchlight late at night , or walk wilfully all the way to Soho to buy vegetables at the times when the pin in her hipbone was especially painful .
22 Look at the times I 've been refused for the forces .
23 consultation where appropriate with the Field Chairs and/or other staff over the timetabling of modules and the provision of specialist rooms and equipment at the times required for particular modules ; and
24 In Lucien 's family , they had only come together at the times appointed by the Church : meals , various holidays , family councils and those mysterious , Church-nominated occasions when children were conceived .
25 You must attend your place of work regularly and punctually , at the times agreed in your letter of appointment , or as directed by your manager .
26 Inside , Virgin 's pilots are landing on runway twenty seven at Heathrow , in the simulator they can take off and land as often as they like at this the world 's busiest airport , but in real life Virgin says it has to fight for slots to take off and land at the times to suit business travellers , it blames B A. B A says it does n't allocate slots or monopolize Heathrow Airport .
27 It would probably be better to drop in at The Times ' party , see who he could find to have dinner with and take pot luck in a town not noted for its restaurants .
28 It would seem highly unlikely , except at the times when falling piece rates forced them to , that domestic workers averaged such hours through the week , although they must have worked them on some days , if only to make up for slacker work early in the week .
29 I do think that the struggle for national liberation , certainly in my country at the times when we were most successful in that struggle , were the times when more opportunities were opened up for my own liberation and my own freedom of choice as a woman .
30 A specific terminal must be allocated for use by Offline at the times when an offline run is to be conducted , as defined by the Offline Manager .
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