Example sentences of "he only want " in BNC.

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1 Well — he would not , and the laird turned him out for it — he turned him out and sent him off and we have had no land since and he put nobody else into Upper Farrochil — he only wanted it for himself .
2 He only wanted to go to the out-patients .
3 He would have returned it , of course , he only wanted it for a painting .
4 Perhaps he only wanted a cigarette , or a couple of bob for the meter .
5 He decided to play it like a bunker shot , nothing fancy because we were three in the lead ; he only wanted to put it out on the fairway and make a par 5 .
6 As well as the nastiness being endlessly stirred up by her mother , who whispered lies about him , saying he only wanted Sien for the posing and would drop her back in the gutter when he was done , there was Sien 's wretched pimp of a brother to contend with .
7 He said he only wanted to kill himself and claimed he ate rat poison and planned to inhale car exhaust fumes .
8 He tearfully said he only wanted to give the innocent insurance agent a ‘ headache ’ and wept so much in court that police branded him the ‘ cry-baby killer ’ .
9 The extension of the offence to include obtaining possession or control will have the result that if Kilham , although pretending that he only wanted to borrow the horse , had in fact intended to deprive the owner permanently , he would be guilty under the clause , because he obtained possession of the horse .
10 He only wanted the best for his people , of course ; to save them from the unjust regime of Sam .
11 I laughed sometimes when he chased intruders from the garden , but I wished he had n't been aware of the little cat , although I think he only wanted to frighten it away , not kill it .
12 ‘ She ought to have seen he only wanted her money , and refused him , ’ said Retty .
13 She had vowed to fight for Roman 's love , but how could she when he only wanted her for a stopgap while Dana was away ?
14 He only wanted to give you eight pounds a performance , but I pushed him up . ’
15 He only wanted to help .
16 So when did he admit that he only wanted your money ? ’
17 Her eyes could not have bulged further if Werewolf had told her he only wanted her for her mind .
18 ‘ When I went to old Abuelo Freitas , Maria told me that you sometimes worried too much about him — that you did n't understand that he only wanted to be left alone .
19 And if her head warned her that he only wanted her for sex , her heart ignored the warning and opened itself joyfully to his tender passion .
20 I did two steaks and he only wanted one .
21 they thought he only wanted to see two people .
22 So he only wanted o one man , and it w if I allowed two hours .
23 He is the odd man out at the ball , he only wants one kiss , but it always eludes him . ’
24 — Because he only wants the land , see .
25 If he only wants to use a part-pack , the operator pulls the lever to suck neat chemical into the transparent tube .
26 ‘ Says he only wants the best men up the top of the tower .
27 He only wants to see the child enjoy herself with her friends . ’
28 Then he had some caviar and rang Italy and said , ‘ Sophia , this play I sent that Marlon 's going to do , he only wants to do it with you .
29 He only wants to watch —
30 Pets , he just wants to say hello , you knock at the door and this Afghan wolfhound is playing in the back there , take it in the kitchen and they say to you he only wants to say hello , that 's right
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