Example sentences of "he also make " in BNC.

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1 He also made it clear that any thoughts of topping the 221 mark are being put firmly on the back burner , with the fastest 100 , set last year in mid-December , his next target .
2 He also made it clear that he will not be participating in the all-weather racing .
3 He also made sure that all players were kept informed of decisions about team selection , which had not always happened before .
4 He also made sure they did n't go anywhere near Evelyn or Rose whom he took to be troublemakers .
5 He also made clear his misgivings at the attempts to rush the decision .
6 He also made the observation , which was confirmed in this survey , that ‘ in many cases neither the farmer nor his wife were fully aware of the nature and extent of the wife 's influence ’ .
7 He also made a creeper-covered trellis in front of the house door and did all the garden , ‘ do all the flowers . ’
8 He also made some excellent pictures of the floating city of Bangkok and its inhabitants , which had never been seen in the west .
9 He also made the observation that the smaller bones were less frequently broken , but gave no supporting evidence .
10 He also made a special study of the outcasts , the waifs and strays of industrial society the vagrants and the idiots .
11 In extending the territorial limits of Canterbury 's jurisdiction , he also made a notable advance .
12 He also made it clear that he was against black boycotts organized around the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico , at which Thommie Smith and John Carlos demonstrated on the victory rostrum with a gloved black power salute .
13 The fact that he also made a little money for himself in the process was considered only reasonable by the majority of fans .
14 He also made the mistake of trying to frighten the miners with the consequence of sticking to existing conditions .
15 While he was staying at Princeton he went down to Washington — he had to give a lecture at the Library of Congress , and wanted to see his cousin , Martha , there as well as Ezra Pound ; he also made two or three trips to Cambridge to visit his family .
16 In his Chicago lectures , for example , he described how certain passages of Notes toward the Definition of Culture had been exposed as a " mass of contradictions " and , at the end , he also made a rueful disclaimer — " I am quite aware that I have been trying to persuade , although I may not be quite sure of what " .
17 He also made dark references to drink .
18 He also made her a piece of toast .
19 But he also made use of tunes from bourgeois sources — and transformed their meanings in the process .
20 He also made further photographic excursions into Tibet , and in 1986 briefly joined the Sipa agency in Peking .
21 He also made the point that lorries , particularly in low gear , generate low frequency sound which , even inside a house with double glazing , would be 60 dB(A) or more .
22 He also made sure that the servants had a generous amount of beer , too .
23 He also made translations from Turkish to Latin .
24 He also made the cut in the Deposit Guaranty Classic , which is a ‘ grabbing ’ tournament played opposite The Masters in which it is nigh impossible to miss the cut .
25 He also made for the grotto at Stourhead in Wiltshire the figure of a river god which , painted white to resemble marble , glows splendidly in the cavernous gloom .
26 In 1813 , however , he succeeded James Wyatt as architect to the Middlesex Hospital , holding the post until 1829 , and he also made some further progress in the Office of Works : in 1818 he was promoted to the clerkship of the works for the eastern division , transferring in 1829 to Hampton Court , but he then lost his position in the reorganization of the office in 1832 .
27 He also had a keen grasp of steam locomotive matters and was responsible for introducing suburban passenger locomotives in 1945 , in which year he also made proposals for the first LMS ( and British ) main-line diesel-electric locomotives , which were finally introduced under his successor H. G. Ivatt two years later .
28 His article on heraldry in the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica remains one of the best and most erudite introductions to the subject : he also made a shorter contribution to Shakespeare 's England ( 1916 ) .
29 It was he who advised Henry to try to break the unanimity of the English bishops ; he also made six trips to the papal court at Sens to persuade Alexander to confirm the Constitutions of Clarendon .
30 He also made a separate map of the area he had surveyed himself , several regional maps , two town plans , and ( his only signed work ) a fort plan .
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