Example sentences of "he 's given " in BNC.

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1 You have to remember the amount of insulin he 's given dictates how much he is allowed to eat and that 's OK .
2 He 's given Beattie Johnson the push , which is a shame .
3 I hear he 's given up his lecturing .
4 He added : ‘ He 's like Robin Hood — he 's given thousands to people in trouble . ’
5 BIG GUN PAUL Merson has been told by Arsenal boss George Graham to lose some weight , so he 's given up his beloved crisps .
6 He 's given up washing his hair and just dyes it instead , his skin has been surgically replaced with grey rubber , and his eyes !
7 ‘ Some I do , because he 's given names and addresses , some I do n't .
8 People think , well now , here 's a man who 's been accused of fraud and so forth and shortly after that it comes out that he 's given a big thing to the government .
9 In all , he 's given over $1 billion to charity , retaining about $1.4 billion for himself , his daughter and his second wife Leonore .
10 He 's given up . ’
11 He says he 's taken up running ; he says he 's given up smoking ; he says he 's planning to pay back the money I lent him .
12 He does n't mind whether he 's given the title of president , director or manager — these are mere status-labels .
13 An honest man , when he 's given the chance to be .
14 He 's given your species of the sex a name .
15 Barry 's generous to a fault : he 's given his Accident Investigation and Prevention Team to David Campbell ! !
16 " Have you ever actually seen anything that he 's given her ? "
17 He lost and he 's given up .
18 He 's given you your wish by keeping away , ’ Lucy had reasoned .
19 He 's given you a new lease of life , has n't he , with his flattery , his sucking-up . ’
20 ‘ He 'll be transferred to hospital for a whole series of tests and X-rays , and the results will determine the treatment he 's given .
21 one thing 's for sure the appointment of John Gorman is a popular one on the terraces … he 's given the fans what they crave for … and that 's loyalty … from first thing this morning supporters were rolling up at the County Ground to have their say
22 An Oxford graduate he 's given his collection of photographs … his most cherished possession … to the University 's Pitt Rivers Musuem …
23 Mrs Lydan 's husband Bill died last year but she 'd kept dozens of stones , and pieces of jewellery which he 's given her over the years .
24 But a clause in the tenancy agreement allows the landlord to evict , if he 's given the go ahead to convert the farm to a non-agricultural use .
25 On top , he 's given a 3 500 housing allowance , and can look forward to a pension of up to 19 500 pounds a year .
26 Glenn Hoddle wo n't be naming his side , until he 's given himself a fitness test on a calf strain .
27 He 's given that a great deal of thought . ’
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